Thursday, November 10, 2016

Big Brother: “Reveal the secret plan to ‘gorge’ that led Miguel to enter GH17! – Blasting News

One of the contestants more turbid than those that have been part of this edition, number 17 of Big Brother is, without a doubt, Miguel. With a past in the media, with friends in the world of celebrity, with experience in any of the major gateways, and with a secret that has been boasting to each issue, galician has become a personage of most strange.

last Saturday, Miguel decided to gather his companions in the living room to reveal all her best kept secret and that the whole of Spain, unless their peers, or better said, least Meri and Adara, already knew. A gesture that he only used it to move their colleagues from confinement and to get a screen share face-to-gala-Thursday when it is nominated for, and with options of exit – which was not casual. And is that the normal thing would have been to do it the first or the second week.

Something that would accent the companion program Radioset (the television group Telecinco) MorninGlory through David Cano ‘Cat’. This, after analyzing the ‘performance’ of the contestant of GH 17 was a step beyond by explaining what is behind much advocacy of toupee as it has been doing.

After the contestant revealed that there are many famous and co-workers in Telecinco that they have the same prosthesis, ‘Cat’, following a

sentence of the gallego, in which he indicated that he knows that there is a “business model” with the prosthesis realistic once Spain has discovered its benefits on a case nearby, unmasked the plans of the contestant. According to the collaborator radio, Miguel has lots of things planned thinking of the time that will come once I finish his participation in Big Brother. Although they made it clear that they do not have the hairs of the donkey in the hand, both Cat and Jaime expressed with certainty that Miguel intends to open a line of business with the prosthesis realistic that has been selling during the two months it takes in the house. An idea is nothing far-fetched. We’ll see what he says to his departure. #GH17 #GranHermano17


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