Monday, November 28, 2016

The singer who went naked at the age of 58 in a message against the HIV – Clarí

Hates prejudice and demonstrated it with a courageous decision: to strip for a magazine, at age 58. the Lolita Flores, daughter of the famous Lola, one of the artists Spanish greatest of all time, wants to foster research to end HIV, a disease that according to her, “has led many friends.” His campaign was made viral on social networks.

The Day of the Fight against HIV is the next 1° December, the date in the to-be-published the different photographs in which she poses naked to “S” Fashion. The artist has confessed that has never been shown as well in front of any camera, but this time “the cause was worth it.”

Flores considers that there are still many prejudices about the disease, the false belief that HIV is associated with homosexual relationships.

In your account of Instagram, “Lolita” has more than 66 thousand followers, but in recent times joined the “fans” that are complimented by the gesture. “I Think we’re getting used to the disease and we must not lower our guard”, he warned.

Lolita Flores (instagram)

Maria Dolores González Flores (so-called) comes from a family of artists. In addition to being the eldest daughter of the late Lola, is niece of singer and actress Carmen Flores and cousin of the former player Quique Sanchez Flores. Was born in Madrid on may 6, 1958.

In January 2010, he confessed to traverse one of the toughest moments of her life: a cancer of the uterus. “I dropped the world over when they told me and I started to cry. During all this time I’ve thought a thousand times in my mother and asked her to help me and to give me as much strength as she had to fight so many years against the disease”, he admitted.

Lolita released in 1975 their first album: ‘Love, love’, one of his greatest hits, which went Platinum in Spain and Latin America. He was only 17 years old.

In 1995, suffered the loss of his mother and (on may 16) and ten days after he lost his brother Antonio.

In your account of Instagram, Lolita Flores rose part of the production that was pulled out the clothes. (Instagram)


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