Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Presented posthumous work of Roberto Bolaño in the FIL – The Universal

The widow of the chilean writer Roberto Bolaño (1953-2003), Carolina Lopez, presented today in Mexico the spirit of science fiction, posthumous novel which he described as “the story of a teen” and that is another piece of the huge file of the author that much remains to be discovered.

If detectives wild, it is contemplated that “few young people in their life struggling to get ahead”, in this novel, “you see a few teenagers,” said Lopez at a press conference in the framework of the 30 International Book Fair (FIL) in Guadalajara.

The play, written in 1984 in Blanes (Girona) and set in the mexican capital during the seventies, focuses on two young poets, who seek to earn a living with literature, ready to all kinds of sacrifices.

it Comes to light that is wrapped in a controversy by the change of publisher of Anagram to Alfaguara (Group Penguin Random House), being agitated by the exchange of accusations in the press between the widow of Bolaño, the publisher Jorge Herralde and the critic Ignacio Echevarría.


Was married with Bolaño until he passed away at the age of 50 of a liver failure

Without reference to any personal reason, Lopez argued that the change was motivated by the facilities gives the new home “for the work to be much more affordable to the readers.”

“I fell in love with your publishing project and the ability that I glimpse that the work could grow in the number of readers; for my children and for me is essential”, spoke about Alfaguara, which published progressively during this year and 2017, the 21 titles that make up the literary production -well-known – of Bolaño.

A work which has increased after the author’s death in 2003 in Barcelona by liver failure, the hand of, among other volumes, 2666, which became posthumously one of its most representative works.

The number of novels that are still to come to light is a mystery, even to his family.

The unpublished are “quantified and classified,” but “what is not done is an editorial value, so that it is publishable and what is not publishable,” said Lopez.

he Reasoned that so much unpublished material of Bolaño because he “began to publish at the age of 43 and died at 50″.

he had decided to become a writer at 17 and, therefore, since then he did many jobs that, even if they were not edited, sometimes served as a basis for other novels.

Lopez argued that her husband “might not have published the spirit of science fiction“, but he can’t get into that premise, because it “would block”.

Yes it positioned itself by saying that in his work with the unpublished try to be respectful to “not touch or rub the prestige that Roberto may have to literary level”.

“we will Never submit a work that you can do shadow detectives or 2666, things have context,” argued López.

Despite the fact that has gone “public correspondence that puts in question” the date on which he wrote this novel, 1984, in the manuscript “puts the date and the signature, this is for us gives us absolute guarantees”. However, qualified that “as he played” with the title of the novel of George Orwell.

The file Bolaño, consisting of all the documentation that I was going to collect, own or not, adds up to a total of 14 thousand pages. Only in the block of original content are included 84 books.

To this is added dossiers, newspaper clippings, interviews, journals, loose-leaf, nearly a thousand letters and photographs, among other materials.

For the moment, Lopez says that “there is no intention of sale” of the file, but that is not a decision that you want to take it, but leave it to his two sons, once they have taken the time to enjoy it.

“I Want you to have that opportunity and I want you to have time”, with which, as a minimum, estimates that it will take “10, 15 years”, for her 15 years “can take on a little of all of this.”

Pilar Reyes, editorial director of Alfaguara, highlighted that the incorporation of the chilean in his catalog is designed to “share the place with names like Mario Vargas Llosa, Javier Marías, and with a next generation (…) for whom Bolaño was a master.”

The FIL, which is closing on the 4th of December, is a meeting point of 2 thousand publishers from 44 countries and 20 thousand professionals of the book.



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