Mexico City.- After that the singer punched him in the face to a fan on Tuesday prior to their concert in Barcelona and this stay recorded thanks to one of the other fans that were waiting for Justin, the affected person has decided to take legal action.
Although at first Kevin didn’t know if would require you to Bieber, The Daily Mail contacted the young Catalan and this was what he said about it: "This matter is in the hands of my lawyers. They are going to be in charge of everything. I cannot give you more information for the moment."
in Addition, when asked what went through his head at the instant of the assault, replied: "For a moment I thought that Justin would not dare to hit me. I was in complete shock. I could not believe what he had done."
Although Justin Bieber has not stated anything so far, apparently, the canadian, is about to face legally with one of his beliebers.
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