The Bollywood actress Mallika Sherawat was attacked with tear gas and then beaten by a few people masked. This happened near her apartment in Paris, which is located not very far from the place where they robbed Kim Kardashian.
The attacks between one and the other personalities of the medium happened with only a month of difference, which has already worried a few people.
Kim Kardashian was threatened with a gun and stole their belongings, while Sherawat and her escort, the entrepreneur Cyrille Auxenfans and owner of the building where he lives, the actress and model, struck the blows.
By the time the authorities are investigating the case, while the police think it is possible that the incident could have been a robbery attempt. Fortunately the victim only suffered a few scratches, but no major injury.
Mallika, who has thousands of followers in her home country, is also known for speaking openly against the mistreatment of women in India and on more than one occasion has condemned the attacks on this group of the population in that country.
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