Thursday, November 24, 2016

Miguel Bosé committed in the fight against the aids – informational Level

The singer Miguel Bosé has received donations of several of his friends in the seventh edition of the Gala Aids. The event, which was held for the first time in Madrid, raised a little more than a million and a half dollars, 30 percent more than the donation reached in 2015.

according To the Fight Against Aids Foundation, which he chairs Bosé, in all the editions have reached more than $ 4.7 million, which are intended to finance projects that help the eradication of HIV through vaccines and other prevention methods.

The event took place in the glass gallery of the Palace of Cibeles, in Madrid.

Bosé said in a speech that was part of a generation that suffered the brunt of the HIV and by which he lost a lot of friends.

"I Belong to the generation that unleashes the disease with which I lose many friends, more than a hundred, since it is in the arts area more stained and I want to do something about it. There is too much pain."

"One day I vowed to myself that I would do something to help bring an end to this terrible epidemic. I want a world in which the HIV has been defeated," he said.

From a decade ago, Bosé collaborates with the Foundation of the Fight against Aids and the scientific Bonaventura Clotet, one of the big drivers of a vaccine against the disease.


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