Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Published a booklet of previously unseen drawings of Van Gogh – The Observer

A booklet of previously unseen drawings by the Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh will be presented on Tuesday in Paris, two days before its simultaneous publication in France and in several countries, including the united States or Japan.

has Not been filtering almost nothing about this work. You know its title, Vincent Van Gogh, le brouillard d’arles, le carnet retrouvé (Vincent Van Gogh, the fog of Arles, the binder recovered) and its cover, a portrait with a straw hat, unknown until now.

The book, at 288 pages, it contains, according to the French publisher Le Seuil, “a significant number of drawings, more than a dozen”. It is signed by one of the best specialists of the work of the Dutch painter, the canadian Bogomila Welsh-Ovcharov.
“This workbook only have seen their owners, me and the editor,” said Bernard Comment, responsible for the publication.When questioned about the content of the binder, is restricted to answering: “it Is amazing, brilliant”.

The book will be published simultaneously on Thursday in France, united States, United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands and Japan.

The original binder is in the hands of a private owner. “These drawings are a set of very impressive, its authenticity is well established by multiple signs and validations: we have not committed to the light in this project,” said the editor.

“there Has been a genuine scientific work” to make sure that it was a real notebook used by Van Gogh, said Bernard Comment.

Vincent Van Gogh died in July 1890 at 37 years of age, is considered as one of the greatest artists of all time. His canvases, exposed in the major museums of the world, are among the most sought after by lovers of painting.

The Portrait of dr. Gachet (1890) reached US$ 82.5 million during joins sale at Christie’s in 1990. In may of 2015, one of his canvases on the promenade of the Alyscamps the French city of Arles, was auctioned for US$ 66 million in New York.

Source: AFP


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