Monday, November 14, 2016

Superluna: today you will see large and luminous as few times – LA NACION (Argentina)

Will be closer than ever before since 1948; the phenomenon can only be repeated in 2034; the Moon reaches the closest point to the Earth just when you complete your full phase

The phenomenon of the superluna. Photo: THE NATION

More “goddess” which in its working days, the Moon revealed to us today their best side by a spectacular coincidence of the spatial geometry that is not produced from nearly 70 years ago: it reaches its point of closest approach to our planet right when you complete your full-moon phase. This pirouette from the celestial spheres will make it look 14% bigger and 30% brighter than when it is at the farthest point of its orbit around the Earth. If you compare it with the average size, it will be a 7% bigger and 15% brighter.

This morning, at 7.52, our natural satellite will be at “only” 356.509 miles away, and three hours later you will complete the full moon phase.

that Is when the night at 19.50, appear on the horizon, we will have the opportunity to observe it in its maximum expression. For the lovers of this mysterious companion sidereal that is exerting its fascination on humans since the beginning of the story, it will be a good excuse to raise the eyes to heaven, as many did yesterday.

“That will be the most beautiful moment to watch her -explains Diego Bagú, Managing director of the Planetarium of The Silver-. By an optical effect, the brain involuntarily compares the size of the Moon with objects that are on the horizon and appears to us to be very large. In contrast, when it is up, we see a lot more girl and, in this case, it’s not going to be very different from that of all the months.”

According to Bagú, while it is near the horizon, not only we will see more large, but also of yellowish or reddish color due to the influence of the atmosphere.

These changes in the appearance of the satellite that inspired Galileo and trod the astronauts nearly a half century ago must be that revolves around the Earth in an elliptical orbit (with the approximate shape of an egg). Its distance from us has a maximum called “peak”, and a minimum, the “perigee”, which is recorded today.


however, as you write in The Country of Spain, Miquel Serra-Ricart, astronomer of the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary islands, the orbital parameters of the Moon vary with time by the gravitational influence of the Sun and the other planets.

So, he explains, if you take the period of 5000 years from -1999 to 3000, the distance of the lunar perigee varied between 356.355 and 370.399 km and the apogee, between 404.042 and 406.725 km according To Serra-Ricart, the greater superluna of this century will occur on December 6, 2052, with our satellite at a distance of 356.429 km

today, then, is the largest full moon in 86 years, the period from 1948 until 2034.

The superlunas are a feast for photographers and observers of the night sky, but should not encourage expectations excessive.

“The truth -warns Mariano Ribas, coordinator of the area of astronomy in the Planetarium of the City of Buenos Aires – is that it is objectively closer and brighter than normal, but the difference is practically imperceptible to the naked eye.”

Bagú tests a calculation that can help you understand what it is about this phenomenon: “To get an idea of the difference between what happens today and what we usually see, we can make this comparison -he says-. If the Soil was 30 cm, and the Moon, 8 cm, the average distance between the two would be 9 m. In the case of the superluna today, however, this distance would be 8.27 m”.

in Addition, the proximity of the Moon will have another effect: according to spread the NASA, there will be tides more “live”.

“it Will be a spectacular night -adds Bagú-. Not only will be the Moon, but that are also going to see Venus and Saturn to the West, and the International Space Station, which will pass two times: at 19.51 and 21.27. The first time out for the Southwest and the second, below Venus and Mars. The ISS, which is the size of a football field, it’s going to look much brighter than a satellite, conventional, roughly similar to Venus, with the difference that moves.”

Show in the night sky


Is the time at which this night will go to the moon

For those who want to observe it, the ideal time is when it is low on the horizon and looks bigger.

86 years

close in nearly a century

Today, our natural satellite will be closer than on any other day between 1948 and 2034


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