Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Prado opening of the exhibition “Metapintura” – Milenio.com

Reflect on the art that hides the art, explore their limits, and look at the painting as if it were a mirror to identify the artist, it is the goal of Metapintura. the A trip to the idea of art, the ambitious exhibition that opens today the Museum of the Prado, its visual essay on the painting.

The exhibition, curated by Javier Portús, head of conservation of the Paintings of Spain’s Prado Museum, brings to 137 the works of authors such as Titian, Velázquez, Rubens, Zurbarán, Murillo and Goya, and drawings, prints, books, medallions, pieces of decorative arts and sculptures dated between the early SIXTEENTH and the late NINETEENTH century.

Of those, 115 belong to the collection of the Prado, and 22 have been provided by 18 museums and collectors various, explained Portús, who noted that the title shows, Metapintura, "you may be able to cause perplexity in the art, not so in the world of the theatre or the novel of fiction where it is customary to speak of metateatro or metafiction".

"this Is an exhibition about the limits of art, an exhibition of introspective from the point of view of the individual artist and also of the collective. It is a mirror in which the museum itself is looking. A reflection exercise with the teachers in the Meadow", stressed the commissioner.

Metapintura begins with the mythological stories and religious about the origins of artistic activity at the dawn of the Modern Age and ends in 1819, the year of the creation of the Museo del Prado, "which resulted in the enthronement of the idea of art of art within the nation and society".

This artistic journey is divided into several stages, the first of which is "the origins of religion". It is followed by the section "Mythology", which includes the mythology and history greco-roman, and the origin of the arts and that has its symbol in the story of Narcissus, who "created" the paint to see its reflection in the water and ended up drowning, and of Prometheus, who stole fire from the gods to give life to a sculpture.

"The face of art", "places of art", "art history", "Myths modern: love, death, fame," or "Towards a new artist’s affective and subjectivity" are other sections of the sample, which has to Goya as another of the great actors.


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