Thursday, November 10, 2016

The sense message of George R. R. Martin by Trump: “The winter is approaching. I told you so” – BioBioChile

The author of the saga a Song of ice and fire, George R. R. Martin, which is based on the popular HBO series Game of Thrones, is referred to on their official blog to the victory of Donald Trump in the presidential elections of the united States.

Martin is not happy with the triumph of the mogul, whom he described as president pussygrabber, that is to say, president cogedor of vaginas, in reference to a controversial phrase from Trump, who said "grab her by the pussy", or "cógela by the vagina". This is linked to the term pussy grab, that is when someone tries to have as many sexual relations with women as possible in a given time period.

with Regard to the victory, said that "there really are no words to describe how I feel this morning. The united States have spoken. I actually thought that we were better than this. I guess not."

"Trump was the candidate worst qualified to be nominated by a major party for the presidency in history. Come January, it will become the worst president in the history of the united States, and a player dangerously unstable on the world stage. And the democrats decimated, who are minorities in both the Senate and the House of Representatives, does not have the power to stop it", he continued.

In that sense, concluded that "for the next four years, our problems are

going to become much, much worse", and then put a phrase emblematic of his series of books: "winter is coming. I told you so".

winter is coming, which in English is Winter is coming, is the motto of the house Stark, one of the protagonists of a Song of ice and fire, and that makes reference to the dangerous walkers white approach to Westeros (West).

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