Thursday, November 10, 2016

Smiling and skinny, Brad Pitt reappeared in public after two months of confinement –

The actor-Brad Pitt broke last night with the silence in relation to the scandalous divorce with Angelina Jolie, after almost two months of absolute silence. And the artist was accompanied by one of the women sounded as the “third in discord”: Marion Cotillard, his partner in the film Allied.

The actor appeared smiling and in a good mood in this act, in which tend to agglomerate the fans. He smiled to the cameras and took photos with the spectators. Dress with a white shirt and a black suit without a tie. The actor did not look his covenant.

Pitt was asked about his separation to which he responded cordially with a phrase elusive: “It’s really sweet, everyone has been friendly here. It is really good to have all the support,” said the actor in conversation with E! News.

On the red carpet of “Allied”, a drama of spies, the actor posed with his co-star, French actress Marion Cotillard, who some media linked up with the actor, even though

she herself denied any sentimental relationship.

Just a day before, Pitt was along with Julia Roberts in a private function of the movie “Moonlight”, in which he participates as a producer.

After their surprising separation in September, Pitt and Jolie are engaged in a legal battle for the custody of their six children.

The time to be displayed before the press came a day after the Department of Family of The Angels will declare you innocent for child abuse on their children.

In the meantime, the channel CNN and the portal of celebrities, “People” reported, without citing sources, that the authorities have suspended the investigation on the actor for alleged ill-treatment to the children of Pitt.


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