Sunday, November 13, 2016

GH 17: discover who has been kissed by Simona – Blasting News

last Thursday, came to the house a new contestant, nothing more to see it we knew that was going to give lots of game and we’re not wrong for anything. The young man of twenty-eight years with a past in both Women and men and vice versa as it has been related to members of the program, was not slow to give play and give that to speak in the house of Big Brother. The contestant in a challenge proposed by Miguel, which will the gear, kissed with all of the house, leaving a variety of responses.

The more clear, the face of Mercy while the young man and kissed him with his beloved, the face of the Catalan was a real poem, not giving credit to what was happening, tried to play it cool but the rage in her eyes and her smile somewhat forced the turning.

While both contestants seemed to not incomodarles the game too much, that was it , nothing more than a game, innocent, that would give a lot game. What is clear is that Simona has not entered to be a more and a piece of furniture, but goes for it all and despite entering with a contest already advanced is ready to be one of the protagonists in what is left of reality. Your beauty and your self-confidence can play so much in your favour as against you, as you can arouse some resentment among his companions who would jeopardize their relationships. These may be cases of Bea and Mery that are more entrenched or advanced have their relationships both with Rodrigo as the French Alain, respectively.

The house of Big Brother is in its key-moment, there are already a few contestants that are left within, and the relationships between them, or reinforce or deteriorate at rates very high, and the entrance of this girl there is no doubt that he’s going to shake the house in a way disproportionate. We don’t know how to end this, hopefully well, because it can be a time bomb.

For all this you will have to watch to see how to follow the events within the house and on the other hand we will see how events unfold from here to Thursday, where there will be a new expulsion and nominations. #GranHermano17 #Tv


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