Saturday, May 9, 2015

VENEZUELA: The opera goes out and comes home – EntornoInteligente

VENEZUELA <- - augure_noticia_inicio!>: The opera goes out and comes home / Confirmed / Thousands of people see “La Traviata? The Royal Theatre in squares, museums and” online?

On April 20, La Traviata premiered at the Teatro Real.Había 1,750 people in the audience, you put long to attend the rite Verdi. Yesterday too, but more informally and to a par with the figure football stadiums: 45,000 were those who could continue the representation in different parts of Madrid and across the country, or more if you count those from home, free, They are plugged through the digital platform.

But not only the tens of thousands who watched over 2300 live the death of Violet Valery, in the overwhelming tear Albanian Ermonela Jaho, attended the beginning of another way of seeing this contagious form of theater that lives in this era another of its golden ages. Also born an initiative that has agreed to 15 European arenas for the active search for new audiences through The Opera Platform.

The soprano, 20 minutes before going on stage, I did not think of responsibility to transfer the theater doors and impact with his fiery fragile woman who wants to devour the lives of a mass audience: “. If I did, I would go Terror will sing with the duty to reach the hearts of people” In detail as imposed by the indiscretion of the cameras: “His face, his eyes, but most of all, thrilling through my voice”

The Palco Digital Teatro Real has had 120,000 visits from 129 countries Perhaps in the darkness of a gloomy scenario got your degree of intimacy. But on the stroke of 20.30, before finishing the first act with impeccable treble that drew applause outdoors, isolated sense Jaho not have to cry, “Sola, abandoned, in this populous desert called Paris”

None of that was in Madrid. And holiday, scrutinized by more than 5,000 people who lived in the Plaza de Oriente to begin representation. Only the sun fall on the west hindered the sharpness of the image. But not enthusiastic with the public silence, sitting among the corridors left flowers and below the screen, watching what was happening inside the theater.

How saw the play

screen appearance in front of the Real. / Bernardo Perez

In Madrid, besides the 800 seats in the Plaza de Oriente, the public could see the Traviataen auditoriums museums and institutions such as the Prado, Reina Sofia, Slaughterhouse, the Thyssen-Bornemisza or the Canal Foundation

Other cities that signed up to the issue. Segovia, Seville, Granada. Pamplona, ​​Vitoria, plus of course the Opera Streaming Europe. It was a day of foreboding enjoyment of art, an afternoon in which the picnics with lossmartphones crossed the selfies sticks and amazing staying power of the mixed adolescent octogenarians, pending all of a controversial assembly by excessive conservatism though subtle in various symbolic details. But mostly it mesmerized by a fascinating Jaho, emotional and wild.

This week has not been a theater in Madrid. Apart from organizing the representation that most people have seen simultaneously in the history of Real, over 300 professionals have debated long work sessions the immense possibilities offered by the Internet.

Yesterday’s lived voltage control realization audiovisual those who were on the scene, if possible. Natalia Pérez Camacho and David Gancedo felt the weight of responsibility for a team of over 50 people to the live broadcast flawless result. “I had to be with a degree of popular appeal and so symbolic ?, commented Joan Matabosch, artistic director Real.

For the director of Opera Europa, “this is a wave on which you have to swim?” This is a wave on which we swim ?, commented Nicholas Payne, head of Opera Europa. Or the great theaters and institutions aimed at the development of the audiovisual and digital or die expansion. To that better join. The business of packaged entertainment to enjoy in the living room carrying costs. An alliance of 15 theaters can meet the cast audiovisual rights or the not inconsiderable costs through co-productions, new titles.

The figures start to give serious results, pieces of the pie that everyone want to keep. In the last year of a theater like Real its Digital Palco “to 9.95 euros connecting to a premiere live and 4,95 for deferred unless reported yesterday ?,” 400,000 euros profit ?, says CEO, Ignacio Garcia Berenguer. The tool plays in favor of global expansion: “We have received 120,000 visits a year from 129 different countries” Managers are cautious and insist on their main task:. Finding new audiences “No way this can replace the essence: contemplation in theaters ?, remarks Matabosch.

But no one has said a live broadcast of “high definition? is the opera. However, increasingly, it is another way of living. The singers are increasingly more aware of it. Today a lyrical show high level is subject to the audiovisual requirements: microphones, marks on the stage floor, installation of cameras, microphones “At first, singers approach it with fear; when they see the result, are soothed. ?, says Camacho. Overexposure is in the genes of future generations. “If we do not adapt, we become dinosaurs ?, adds Payne. But it does not have some jurassic, timeless, eternal, as the lyric art and that is precisely one of its charms? Even if you keep a decadent air, as the assembly signed by McVicar?

The Plaza de Oriente and this festive May when Madrid took to the streets in search of the addictive pleasure of singing wanted something to celebrate. Watching the virtual medium length had its share of reality when artists came out to greet the balcony of the theater and sang an impromptu toast Verdian choir. . In order to perfect to win new adherents party

Source: El País

Information Confirmed

www.entornointeligente. com

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