Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Arnold’s back in Conan – Televisa News

MEXICO CITY, Mexico, May. 27, 2015.- The production of The Legend of Conan has been delayed because the main actor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, promoting another crowd favorite. Terminator

The New Adventures of Conan the Barbarian will be an Following the original version of the eighties and his producer, Fredrik Malmberg, is enthusiastic about the idea of ​​honoring the world created by John Milius.

“Milius was visionary. I consider him a hero. He painted an impressive world clear and violent, incomparable. The aim is to revive this world with dignity to make it known to modern audiences. We are very lucky that the team of this film is the first generation of fans who work in the film or have been with us for Along the way, relying on their seats at premieres. We just want to enter the world Milius saw from the stories of Robert E. Howard and Frank Franzetta art. I can not give specific details, but we honor the leases, religion and traditions of the film of the eighties “.

Chris Morgan, screenwriter of this new release explains the connection between the two productions saying the same 30 years that have passed between a movie and another, They have passed in the character’s life: “Conan has had many personalities throughout his life a thief, a warrior, a pirate, a king, a legend is an old man now. Do not forget or forgive; remains a barbarian. “

So far, the cast of the film and the release date is a mystery. Malmberg said to be incorporated to shoot three of the actors who appeared in the eighties and the film will start shooting once the promotion ends Terminator Surely if Terminator. Genesis succeeds at the box office, Universal The Legend of Conan treated as a priority



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