Maradona, present in the next film by Paolo Sorrentino – Diario El País
The prestigious Italian film director “The beauty big”, Oscar winner in 2013 and multiple awards, will make a film in homage to Diego Maradona.
Wed May 20 2015 19:28
The Italian director Paolo Sorrentino, will direct” Youth “, in which the character of Diego Maradona, played by Argentine actor Roly Serrano will be appreciated, he said Tuesday Italian newspaper La Gazzetta dello Sport.
The plot of “Youth” will focus on the different ages of man in life from an existential point of view, and in that sense will be relatively similar to the awarded “The big Bellezza” which won a Golden Globe and an Oscar in 2013, and multiple nominations.
The Maradona himself was pleased with Sorrentino on their official Facebook, by stating “Thank you for this tribute teacher”.
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