Saturday, May 16, 2015

Benicio del Toro goes to war in ‘A Perfect Day’ –

As a child, Benicio del Toro humming convinced his unfortunate protagonist was a Puerto Rican soldier ‘was Mambrú war’. Only much later, to shoot the film ‘A perfect day’, found that Mambrú was a British duke who fought against France in the eighteenth century.

The Mambrú that Del Toro plays in the new film by Fernando Leon de Aranoa-presented today at the Festival itself Cannes- return home with his girlfriend, leaving behind chaos and death in postwar Bosnia, which recreates the film.

“He deserved worth giving light to the world for aid workers (as Mambrú), “says the actor in an interview with Efe.

Her character leads a group of aid workers from an NGO that tries to rescue a body of a well that threatens to poison the only source of drinking water in an unspecified Balkan region in 1995.

For Del Toro, history “is a simple story with depth and humor. There is a shell of humor, but the fruit it bears within it the war “

Along with actors like Tim Robbins and Olga Kurylenko, Del Toro makes you laugh with some vibrant dialogue, but that hide emotional moments.” They felt these humorous moments on the set. Yes, it is work, but you have to laugh. “

The previous work to make the film taught Del Toro more about the reality of the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia than he could know through television and the press in the 90s.

For the young Benicio, Yugoslavia was, especially sneakers.

“I have a memory of having tennis basketball, a Puma, made in Yugoslavia. That country had very good basketball teams and the national team was a power, “he says with a smile.

In this sporting links with their homeland both in reality and in fiction, Puerto Rico born one of the funniest moments of the film, when one of the locals Mambrú asks where it comes from. “I’m from Puerto Rico,” says the aid worker.

“Aaaahhh … Piculín Ortiz! “replies the man, referring to the legend of Puerto Rican basketball, seen on multiple occasions to face with the fearsome Yugoslavs.

The joke which Aranoa Lion introduced at the suggestion of the actor It evokes two worlds completely unknown to each other, similar to the feeling of alienation experienced by cooperating in the area of ​​conflict where they could not get anything without the help of local translator.

“Puerto Rico at that then also had his blunderbuss … “laughs Del Toro in the interview.

The actor, a star in Hollywood coveted by some of the best directors, decided to participate in this Spanish production first” in the interest of working with Fernando “Leon de Aranoa.

” I know the work by Fernando ‘Lunes al sol’ or

‘Princess’. I’ve always admired his work, “explains before adding that interest grew” when he sent me the script. “

Upon discovering precisely that world of humanitarian workers while preparing for the film, it is when Del Toro came to a conclusion during filming. perhaps heroic, he told the principal, is the simple fact of being there in the middle of the war, although things do not always go as expected


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