Thursday, May 28, 2015

Study claims that reading Harry Potter makes you a better person – Capital Radio 96.7

The evidence says that those who read children Harry Potter, adults are more empathetic with other people.

Read the magical histora the boy wizard Harry Potter you will be a “good person”. At least so say some psychologists.

According to research conducted by a group of universities (such compo Greenwich and Padova), children who read the story of Harry Potter develop greater empathy and tolerance for disadvantaged people as refugees or immigrants. This may be because the boy wizard himself suffered the mistreatment of his uncles at the beginning of the series and faced the bullying of some classmates

According to information collected by the site ABC of Spain , children develop this ability as they captivate with the traumatic history of the boy wizard and sometimes they identify. To obtain this result, psychologists studied two groups of children from primary to university and found that those who had read the works of JK Rowling was more empathetic.

According to another research PLoS One, read the adventures of Harry Potter active regions in the brain that serve to perceive actions and intentions of real people.


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