Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Serrat suffering from laryngitis and canceled concerts traqueo – Televisa News

MEXICO CITY, Mexico, May 18-2015.- Due to a tracheal acute laryngitis, the singer Joan Manuel Serrat next September decided to postpone the concerts planned this month in Madrid.

The Planet Events music promoter announced that the concerts scheduled for 19 and 21 May at the Barclaycard Center of Madrid, will take place on 20 and 21 September respectively.

He noted that as happened last weekend with “shows” of Zaragoza and Girona, Catalan interpreter can not offer these shows because of the tracheobronchial acute laryngitis, which requires medical treatment and rest Voice.

Joan Manuel Serrat presented in Madrid in September her “disorderly Anthology”, with which he will celebrate the 50th anniversary of his first public performance, making a tour of his musical work


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