Thursday, May 21, 2015

Rediscovering the treasurer of Thutmose III, the warrior king – EntornoInteligente

Rediscovering the treasurer of Thutmose III, Pharaoh Warrior / World / Oblivion was the real death of the dead. The face and name were the hallmarks of the ancient Egyptians, who wanted to live forever. Profuse tomb inscriptions Djehuty, a royal official who served as treasurer of Queen Hatshepsut by the year 1470. C reflect the obsession of members of the Egyptian elite to be remembered and prevent the passage of time to erase his existence and achievements.

But just happened to Hatshepsut, the face and the name of the scribe Djehuty was destroyed burial 3,500 years ago, located in the necropolis of Dra Abu el-Naga of ancient Thebes (now Luxor). For 14 years a team of Spanish scientists led by Jose Manuel Galan, CSIC researcher, trying him out of oblivion and rehabilitating digging his grave.

Her work has been captured in the documentary In Search of Djehuty. Among mummies, tombs and hieroglyphics, “a journey to the past for the aspirations, knowledge and triumphs of a man who was sentenced to no name, no face. A man sentenced to not have been.” The film, directed by Jose Javier Trueba and Latova, was presented Thursday with the latest findings made during the excavation campaign of 2015, the number 14, which Djehuty Project members conducted between 13 January 21 February.

Javier Trueba, specializing in scientific documentaries, filmed in the Temple of Karnak in Luxor

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