Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Emilio Lledó wins the Princess Award for Communication and … – Televisa News

OVIEDO, Spain, May 20, 2015.- The Spanish philosopher Emilio Lledó scored today the Princess of Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities 2015, who chose twenty nominations from fifteen countries.

LLedó (Seville, 1927), a great defender of the book, language, teaching humanities and memory is considered an essayist and popularizer senior who has treated subjects as diverse as the defense of reading, happiness, silence, beauty and truth.

In previous years were awarded, among others , The Royal Society, the daily El Pais, El Espectador and El Tiempo, the Efe Agency Vaclav Havel, CNN, Umberto Eco, George Steiner, Hans Magnus Enzensberger and Ryszard Kapuscinski.


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