Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Die Manuel Molina, songwriter and guitarist; Celebrity regret – Univision

 Manuel Molina

Manuel Molina died . at age 67 at his home victim of cancer

– Twitter


The singer, guitarist and pioneer of the “New Flamenco, Manuel Molina, died early this seas May 19 to 67 cancer victim.


His widow, Lola Rodriguez told ABC de Sevilla Molina died at his home in San Juan de Aznalfarache, located in Sevilla, Spain, “as good gypsy “adding:” It has come dressed as ancient Roma “


“It was in his bed, listening to the bells of Triana as the letter he said, so we again thank Triana,” said Lola.


The guitarist was veiled at home for family and friends. And his restros Theatre Romero moved to San Juan, where they placed a chapel, detailing the site.


Manuel Molina was born in 1948, he began his career in the trio The gypsies of Tardón and later formed part of flamenco duo ‘Lole y Manuel’, where he met his wife Lola.


The departure of renowned guitarist and singer has provoked sadness among several singers.


Alejandro Sanz said on Twitter: “And another teacher goes … Don Manuel Molina … Wait desperezan that galaxies in my cries. Farewell to Triana made person. “


The singer Rosario Flores also said: “Oh my God we gone GREAT MANUEL MOLINA revolutionary poet genius, an inspiration to many of us. Today cries pure art “.


Enrique Bunburi said: “ Manuel Molina Grande. We owe you so much !!! “.


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