Saturday, May 9, 2015

Joselito Adame ran into a lot lacking in courage – Intolerance

The young Mexican matador alternated in the celebration of the traditional Madrid Feria, with skilled Spanish Pepe Moral and Juan del Alamo

The Mexican matador Joselito Adame ran into a lot of bravery and caste lacking to complete a dignified and discreet work in the Feria de San Isidro 2015 in the Plaza de Las Ventas Madrid.

The young Mexican matador alternated in the celebration of the traditional Madrid Feria, with skilled Spanish Pepe Moral and Juan del Alamo, who was the only highlight, to cut off an ear.

In this celebration two bulls from the ranch of El Cortijillo and four iron Lozano Brothers, all outcasts, gentle and low strength, which miscarried afternoon as to be dealt brilliance.

Adame battled from the beginning with his first opponent, which did not allow him no freedom, because of its gentleness and little journey, despite the desire, commitment and courage of the Mexican. A thrust killed the bland enemy to go with silence and a warning.

With his second bull, the Mexican again had problems because it was equally outcast without bravery, hence attempts young Mexican matador crashed into a wall. After the battle, he sent another espadazo and left with silence and further notice.

The Mexican will have another chance to shine when he returns to fight in the Feria de San Isidro 2015 on Sunday.

The Spanish Pepe Moral had the same fate, the toperse with another dull, bland and caste lot, which he avoided any kind of job. After effort, went silent after a warning in his first and silence in his second.

While Juan del Alamo was fortunate to receive at least worse of confinement, which he took with a task varied, lucid and courageous, which topped it better with the sword to cut the lonely ear.

closed the afternoon with another work of a lot of effort and courage, before a bull that had good game. He dispatched punctured and espadazo and won hands down.

At this run first attended as monarch, King Philip VI, whom the three bullfighters gave him the first bull of their respective lots.


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