Brave women who went to the tomb and received the announcement of the resurrection. SPECIAL /
- Easter Sunday Resurrection of the Lord
- Dynamic Pastoral Univa
Jesus conquers death and thereby gives life to all believers
Acts 10 34a. 37-43
“The testimony of the prophets is unanimous that those who believe in him are, by name, the forgiveness of sins.”
St. Paul to the Colossians 3: 1-4
“Seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at God’s right; aspire to things above, not those of the earth “
John 20: 1-9
“He saw and believed. Up until then did not understand the Scripture. He had risen from the dead “
GUADALAJARA, JALISCO (05 / APR / 2015) .- Christianity celebrates Easter with great joy of the Resurrection, the first of all Christian holidays, root and foundation of all of them. It is the summit of salvation history; is the center and heart of all worship, liturgy of the Church.
In this event the work of God is updated, the plan of infinite love to redeem fallen man.
This is the memorial where the death is life, gives life to those who by sin had died.
“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone, more if it dies, it bears much fruit. ” These words of Christ, in announcing his imminent death, which has multiplied in countless ears of holiness in 21 centuries of Christianity.
Jesus, the Son of God by his resurrection raised himself to all humanity .
The Passover is the festival of joy, the triumph of life.
The disciples and friends of Jesus fell sad, downcast ordeal. Three days of grief and anxious wait … and the greatest joy came Sunday, when seeing glorious, resurrected.
The Christian century, unseeing, with faith alone, rejoice and sing hallelujah, Hebrew word’s glory, that is victory.
Great, sincere, spiritual joy. Solemn is the liturgy in their ceremonies, Easter hymns and chants.
For the triumph of Christ is of the redeemed. Nailed to the cross, Christ suffered and died to win. His resurrection is a permanent triumph over the spirit world, which is the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life.
Being a Christian is to stand on the foundation of faith with the resurrection of Christ. It is not a Christian to believe in sin, on the cross, in suffering and death, but because he believes in forgiveness, deliverance, in the joy of the resurrection, eternal life.
At the center of it all is the hope, that everything becomes grace and life. Christianity is light, is joy, is resurrection.
OK, believe in joy, it is a reason, a force to fight attachment to transient things like money, power, pleasure and vanities.
Moreover, it is force against one’s attachment to oneself, one’s experiences, suspicions, fears and internal complaints.
believe in the joy of the resurrection, then comes the desire to be born into a new life, rebirth, to resurrect, to last for all eternity.
José Rosario Ramirez M.
Brave women
Among the first appearances of the risen Jesus is the encounter of women, Mary Magdalene, the disciples in the upper room and in the evening the disciples who take the road to Emmaus.
And the brave women who were early in the morning, when it was still dark, to the tomb and were surprised by the announcement of the resurrection.
The disciples locked in the Upper Room for fear of the Jews received the resurrected Jesus, and also two of the disciples on their way to Emmaus and talked with him without recognition. When darker, brighter Jesus comes to burn the heart and recognize him in the community to break bread.
A Risen Christ is found in the Church and in the breaking of bread above the sign par excellence, his Word.
The resurrection is emblematic signs like the empty tomb, the Word, the body with the glorious wounds that crosses doors, windows and walls but eating with the disciples.
People are witnesses to be messengers, ie, evangelists both the incarnation and the resurrection, and this gives us a courageous witness women who come to Jesus, love him, seek him, he finds them, and sends them answer the call with its mission, which is the fruit of love, which are courageous witnesses. Similarly we also have to be: Courageous witness of our faith in the risen.
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