By: Writing R
21-Apr-2015 7:41 – Madrid.- The Spanish writer Juan Goytisolo consistent legacy today deposited in two manuscripts in the Box of Letters of Cervantes Institute headquarters, which will open on January 5, 2031, when the centenary of his birth will be fulfilled.
In a ceremony at the cultural institution, Goytisolo met with tradition since 2007 performed the winners of Cervantes Prize for Literature before receiving this award, consisting of depositing a personal legacy or his work on the date that they will require.
Goytisolo (1931, Barcelona), author of works such as “The claim of Count Julian” (1970) or the test “Spain and the Spanish” (1979) will receive the Cervantes Prize . 2014 this April 24 in the auditorium of the University Alcalá de Henares
Accompanied by the director of the Cervantes Institute, Víctor García de la Concha; the Secretaries of State for Culture, José María Lassalle, and International Cooperation and Latin America, Jesús Gracia Aldaz, welcomed the opportunity to keep that part of their job.
He indicated that these two manuscripts, the first is a collection of poems, devotional, with two quotes from John of the Cross; and the second a manuscript defined “more complex” to be a memory, autofiction and inventory.
He said that the box with the number 1500 will be opened in 2031 when they met 100 years after his birth, date we do not believe that will be present and younger who know what you have written in these documents.
In this act, García de la Concha emphasized that Goytisolo not believe in the sacred books, but in texts as “Don Quixote” and “The Arabian Nights” because “literature is the territory of the doubt” in which he also sits.
Also, reviewed by his career in various genres, his taste for Spanish literature and journalism and literary criticism mainly.
He considered that the boxes where legacies are deposited in this institution “are not niches (funeral) but cradles of life “that contain those letters that will be released once open each one.
The Box of Letters is the space of the Cervantes Institute was formerly a bank and there was his vault with hundreds of boxes to their customers.
Since 2007 is where the winners of the Cervantes Prize and other artists and cietíficos deposited a legacy to be opened in the future.
The box 1500 of Goytisolo’s in the middle of the Colombian Nobel Gabriel García Márquez lyrics and the composer Luis de Pablo.
In this space there are legacies of Francisco Ayala, Antonio Gamoneda, Juan Gelman, Juan Marse, José Emilio Pacheco, Ana Maria Matute, Nicanor Parra, José Manuel Caballero Bonald and Elena Poniatowska.
After depositing the legacy, Goytisolo and authorities also opened at the same venue the exhibition “Quijotes by World Don Quixote “,” containing 185 copies of the maximum Cervantes in nearly 60 languages.
Also, the history of some of the earliest traditions explained, “being the first to English in 1612; after the French in 1614; followed by Italy in 1622; German in 1648, and the latest in Korean and Guarani in the last decade.
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