Sunday, April 26, 2015

50 Shades of Grey: Presented first image in the aftermath of the … – LaRepú

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Jamie Dornan is lovely in this first step.

The actor Jamie Dornan is masked and tuxedo in the first image of ’50 darkest shadows ‘, the sequel to ’50 Shades of Grey’ that will hit theaters hovering near Valentine, 2017.

The image is part of the first teaser for the sequel to Universal launched by the uncensored version of ’50 Shades of Grey ‘ . on DVD and Blu-Ray

CAN READ: 50 Shades of Grey: The aftermath arrive in 2017 and 2018

This little sneak peek comes just hours after Universal announced the release date of the two missing erotic film trilogy, ’50 darkest shadows ‘and ’50 shadows liberated’ . The first of two hit theaters the February 10, 2017 and a year later, on February 9, respectively.

“We are making the saga’s event Valentine’s Day,” said Universal executive Donna Langley in CinemaCon, held these days in Las Vegas


So far it is known that Niall Leonard, the husband of the author of the trilogy, will do the libretto the second delivery.

Universal is also seeking the Replacement Sam Taylor-Johnson , as the director of the first film confirmed a few weeks would not continue at the helm of the sequels ago.

CAN READ: 50 Shades of Grey: Director no longer shoot sequels erotic film

In addition the study also have to deal with the two stars of the, Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan saga, that after the success of the first delivery desueldo require improvement.


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