Monday, April 27, 2015

The work of Nobel – THE Peruano

The author of The Time of the Hero revealed he is writing a new novel that has a name. He also commented that without his experience as a journalist would have been impossible to write some of his best known works.

Mario Vargas Llosa revealed this weekend that is working on a new novel which has the working title of Five Corners.

The Peruvian Nobel made this revelation at the International Forum of Spanish (FIE) 2015 held in Madrid, where he also said his new project is a special case because he began writing without a name.

Journalism and lyrics

The novelist gave a talk on journalism in which he recalled that he started in that office “being almost a child” at age 15 in The Chronicle. “It was a fascinating experience”

He mentioned that early passage by the editors of newspapers gave images that served as material for one of his most celebrated novels.. Conversation in the Cathedral

“A rich source of experience without which had not written much of what I have written.” He also confessed that journalism is for your particular case “a rich source of experience without which had not written much of what I have written.”

However, it does except that literature and journalism have differences. For example, for him “in literature language creates history.”

He remembered where press and literature are combined. One is that of Ernest Hemingway that the rules of writing one of the first newspapers where he worked dialed the author of The Old Man and the Sea to define your style.

Another is the Azorin. The Nobel recalled that a report of this Spanish narrator on the Quijote served to approach this universal classic.


Vargas Llosa again show doubts about the new forms of communication. For example, he recalled that they have created multiple identities on social networks. However, he acknowledged that these are helping to consolidate the language and homogenize.

Also the rise of new technologies, the wealth of current news and trivialization of journalistic agenda have made it each increasingly difficult to prioritize the information.


For Mario Vargas Llosa, sports journalism has contributed to the renewal of language.

consider its pages and very creative. She said it’s win of the culture of freedom that information can not be deleted.

He discarded be in social networks

Published. “Without my time in journalism, had not written much of what I have written.” 27 / 04/2015


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