Friday, April 17, 2015

Wikileaks publishes links with Sony Pictures White House – La Prensa Grafica

The platform Wikileaks leaks on the Internet today hung a series of stolen by hackers to Hollywood studios Sony Pictures documents.

This is more than 170,000 emails and over 30,000 internal documents, explained the founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange. “This file shows the inner workings of an influential multinational consortium” wrote as an argument to decide hang the information, which considers historical importance and should be made public.

The documents can be reviewed on the basis of determined or author or recipient of the message words. Of the mails shows including the US government requested help from Hollywood studios to combat terrorist propaganda Islamic State Militia (EI).

Although the goal is theoretically generate Sony Entertainment The records show that “between racks is an influential company with ties to the White House (there are nearly 100 emails of the US government in the file), and able to influence laws and policies and connections to the US military-industrial complex” says a Wikileaks release.

Sony Pictures, a subsidiary of Japanese electronics giant Sony, last November was the victim of a hacker attack of major proportions. Hackers gained access to internal documents and emails and spent weeks until studies could reuse their computer systems.

The attack was linked to the satirical comedy “The Interview”, which recounts an alleged plot to kill North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

Wikileaks published in the last secret US government documents and diplomatic exchanges.


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