Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The international show of the series Game of Thrones comes to Madrid. – Noticias24h.org

Game of Thrones arrives in Madrid. From Wednesday 29 April to Sunday 3 May, the show , which expects 10,000 to 12,000 people, will be in Hall 16 Matadero Madrid. In it you can enjoy interactive activities, virtual reality experience with 4D and see more than 70 authentic objects in a series that has already become a mass phenomenon that has crossed the small screen.

Before Madrid, London, Stockholm and Tel Aviv have already embraced the show in 2015. And next Tuesday, will be ready to travel towards Berlin, and finally stop in Amsterdam to end, past summer in Paris. “It is an exhibition that goes by very few sites. Spain has been this very important year for the series, with filming in Seville and Osuna. We had a lot of time trying to get the shows come and have now understood the importance of this country for the series, “says Miguel Salvat, director of Canal +, channel broadcasting in Spain a series that this year, for the first time, You can see simultaneously with its broadcast in the United States.

got-exhibit-belfast-420x278 The international sample of the Game of Thrones series comes to Madrid.

The exhibition will be open from Wednesday to Sunday from 10-21 (except Sunday, which will open from 9.00 to 13.00), also committed interactivity. To do this, visitors must first register on the website www.gotexhibit.com and join one of the houses of the series. With a code that must be entered in your mobile, visitors will receive personalized material of the two interactive activities including the sample. First, fans of the series will be attacked by one of the dragons Daenerys, after which the visitor will receive a video where you can see the result. They can also be transformed into a Wayfarer White on a photo that also they will be sent to your email.

In 2014, his fourth season, Game of Thrones and became HBO’s view, beating Los Soprano. Another sign of interest in this story of power, revenge, passion and fantasy are the nearly 9,000 entries were divided into only three hours when made available to the public invitations. For those who had no chance to get your invitation, has reserved a quota free entry to fill seats. “It is clear that the management of the row to be formed will be the most difficult thing left,” explained from Canal +, where they face this exhibition as the largest promotional event ever organized the payment chain.

But what is Game of Thrones to have become what it is now? “There are two things: it touches very universal themes such as family, ambition, sex, power, what the powerful to stay in power and ambitious to achieve. And the development of the characters, which is key in any series, “says Miguel Salvat. It also has passionate fans as those who gathered at Matadero be given these days to see up close the crossbow with which Tyrion killed his father or elaborate costume leather covering the body of Oberyn Martell. And, of course, one of the murals recalls that “all men must die.” Here’s Game of Thrones.


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