Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Goytisolo leaves two unpublished Cervantes 2031 – The Universal

Photograph of Juan Goytisolo in front of a safe can be “unorthodox”, but not if that box is the “cradle of life” and serves to bequeath the Instituto Cervantes two unpublished manuscripts whose contents are not revealed until the January 5, 2031, the day the writer fulfill one hundred years.

 Heterodoxy of Goytisolo and the “cradle of life” which is the Box of Letters of Cervantes spoke today the institute’s director, Víctor García de la Concha, shortly before the Catalan writer deposited his legacy in the box thousand 500.


 The author of “Signs of Identity” has delivered a collection of poems entitled “ Prayer ” and with two quotations from St. John of the Cross, and a “resort”, mixing memory, self-fiction manuscript and a ” kind of inventory. ”


 “When this box to see it I will not be open,” said today this author is considered “man of great writing and short”, but this week will have to talk a lot more than I usually do in the many events planned connection with the delivery of Cervantes Prize , on Thursday in Alcalá de Henares.


 Juan Goytisolo has given his life to literature that, if necessary, “is mutation” because, as said García de la Concha, his work has moved from sociological realism of the early years to take flight as “lone bird” in dialogue with St. John of the Cross.


 After depositing his legacy in the Box of Letters, in which the authors have also left as Francisco Ayala, Antonio Gamoneda, Juan Gelman, Juan Marse, Ana Maria Matute, Caballero Bonald and Elena Poniatowska, Juan Goytisolo attended, at headquarters the Cervantes Institute, the opening of the exhibition “Quijotes the world”.


 This exhibition reflects the great influence that had the “Quijote” throughout the centuries, as evidenced by the translation-from wholly or partly, to more than 140 different languages ​​and language varieties.






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