ENTORNOINTELIGENTE.COM / This coming April 22 marks the International Day of Mother Earth and hoping to join forces to achieve a healthy and sustainable environment, Tripda joins the environmental practices promoting the use of car sharing as an alternative to reduce the number of cars in circulation, which means less congestion, less emissions of greenhouse gases, less pollution, less resource consumption and less noise.
Camilo Sarasti, vice president of Tripda to Lationoamérica said “We are in a time when young and old, friends and family must become conscious of environmental care. Tripda one solution is the answer to the new trends in collaborative’consumo ‘of our users who actively contribute to the reconstruction of ecosystems, energy efficiency and climate change solution. ”
Tripda offers great benefits for those who want to start sharing Cart:
Sharing is socially profitable
In Colombia, transport reduces much of the budget and time people. For example, a person driving alone spends about 7 1600 pesos per gallon. Instead, for each car shared a person reduces this cost 1500 pesos per gallon. Also, in a city like Bogotá average person “wasted” up to 39 hours a year due to traffic jams. It is not just a personal savings of over 50%, but over time the costs are allocated to reducing air pollution may be allocated to road maintenance.
It is good for health
It is estimated that an average car emits about 4 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year and about 59% of total emissions of greenhouse gases in Colombia come from road transport. Air pollution caused by vehicle traffic is linked to a number of health problems, including respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, allergies and neurological effects. Implement the use of carpooling not only helps eliminate these risks in people, but is also less stressful for those who choose to drive alone. Passengers allows them to read, relax or work while traveling.
Sarasti Camilo said, “We constantly encourage our users to keep up with the Tecnomecanica review of their vehicles, keeping tires properly inflated to save fuel, accelerate smoothly and maintain a constant speed also helps lower fuel use and above all, turn off engines when not driving, then wait 10 seconds can contaminate more than when you choose to restart the engine. ”
In the long term, carpool can generate significant difference and positive effects on the environment. One study found that only in the US carpooling could save 33 million gallons of gasoline each day and halving dioxide emissions by cars if every vehicle in a single journey take an extra person.
Visite also www.mundinews.com | www.eldiscoduro.com | www.tipsfemeninos.com | www.economia-venezuela.com | www.politica- venezuela.com | www.enlasgradas.com | www.cualquiervaina.com | www.espiasdecocina.com | www.videojuegosmania.com
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