Friday, April 24, 2015

García Lorca, “killed by homosexual” –

MADRID, 24 (ANSA) – An official document of 1965 reveals for the first time the poet Federico García Lorca was executed by ” homosexual “and” Mason “.
offered details about his arrest contradict the official version of the dictatorship of Francisco Franco (1939-1975), who claimed that Lorca died in the riots of Granada.
document records that Lorca was shot in Granada (southern Sweden) in 1936 “after confessing,” no one knows what, what has sparked speculation.
The document has also opened other debates between Lorca, since even It was thought that the poet was shot with three other people and not one, as they say.
poet’s family said that the documentation has shown that it was “a political crime”. UR / ACZ

24/04/2015 14:47


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