Friday, April 24, 2015

Reveal that Lorca was killed by socialist and Mason – LaRepú

EFE. Granada. A 1965 report from the Police Headquarters of Granada (southern Spain) reveals that Federico García Lorca was killed along with another person and defines the poet as “socialist Mason”, while assigned to “practice homosexuality” .

In this document, showing for the first time the official version of the Franco regime on the poet’s death, it is said that Lorca was shot in Víznar (Granada) “after confessing”.

This documentation published by the Self and chain collects the poet was buried in a ravine about 2 km from the place known as Fuente Grande.

The report relates that Lorca was “a Freemason belonging to the Alhambra lodge, where he adopted the symbolic name of Homer” and that “it was conceptualized as a socialist by the tendency of its manifestations and so linked that was Fernando de los Rios.”

It also states that “was labeled a homosexual practices, aberration that became common knowledge, but the truth is that there is no history of any particular case.”


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