Sunday, April 5, 2015

Vive la Iglesia the resurrection of Jesus Christ – El Sol de la Laguna – OEM

Torreón, Coahuila This day the 65 parishes that make up the Diocese of Torreón, return to perform the Mass in normal times to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the Passover begins today will last 50 days until Pentecost Sunday reported the father Ignacio Mendoza Wong Sánchez, director of Social Communication of the Diocese of Torreón.

Yesterday, Holy Saturday, hundreds of parishioners went to different parishes to offer condolences to Mary and celebrate the day of mourning . This day the Church was spent in contemplation and meditation.

As is the Catholic tradition, there were no major celebrations during Holy Saturday, and until the afternoon on the eve of Easter Sunday celebration was held Easter is the passage of Jesus from death to life and the grave to glory.

This ecuarística celebration is long, it is enciente the new fire and the Paschal candle, whose light spreads like candles everyone in the temple all in darkness, and the songs are sung hallelujah, living an atmosphere of joy and praise because God’s promises fulfilled.

Father Mendoza Wong, called on society to live and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the very well.


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