Thursday, April 9, 2015

American Tim Robbins bring Shakespeare to Spain – The Associated Press

April 8, 2015, 16:23 Los Angeles, April 8 (PL) The actor and director Tim Robbins lead the staging of the American company The actors Gang of a Shakespeare play to be interpreted in Spanish soil.

 Robbins and The Gang actors take Almagro tables (central Spain) the staging of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, which will be replenished from 3 to 6 July next under the International Classical Theatre Festival Almagro.

In this way the Iberian scenarios will witness the peculiar version of the original Shakespeare Robbins, which has brought earlier in cities like Beijing, Shanghai (China), Poleto (Italy), Nashville (United States) and Porto Alegre (Brazil).

Although the most recognized Robbins facet is the actor, has never denied his love of theater and in 1981 founded the company The Actor’s Gang, in collaboration with fellow craftsmen Jack Black, John Cusack, Helen Hunt, Kate Walsh and Jon Favreau, among others

pgh / deg.


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