Thursday, April 9, 2015

Terra Peru – 100 years of ‘The Metamorphosis’ of Kafka met

A century ago one of the scariest stories of all time was released. The author took just 21 days to write it, and we can read through the disobedience of his friend Max Brod. Today, Franz Kafka (1883-1924) remains concerned readers with ‘The Metamorphosis’ of its protagonist.

The Czech writer ordered to burn all his writings when he died, but Max did not pemitió.

Photo: File

The Czech writer Franz Kafta Photo: File

What does ‘The Metamorphosis’?

“As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself on his bed into a monstrous insect “. So begins ‘The Metamorphosis’ of a man who had “nothing in his work the head.”

Franz Kafka’s Gregor Samsa , the man who represents all mankind. One day, Gregor discovers he has become something nasty, something that should not see each other. What speaks in fact this story?

finally become aware of a world in which we were born and still do not understand is the key metamorosis. The insect is awake. Gregor realizes his true self, the meaning of life, the deep metaphysical horror that is. Neither his family nor his colleagues, no less monstrous caricatures he never understand this emerging identity. Now is an outcast bothers .

Is homosexuality Kafka?

Among the hypotheses of this social rejection, a very important maintains the homosexual inclination of Kafka.

This is a time when homosexual, crazy or Jewish were stigmatized , accused of wanting to modify the social and moral order, and were Qualified immoral, ridiculous or weak.


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