Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Mass Effect: Andromeda, revealed details about the story, gameplay and multiplayer – GamerFocus

To complement the trailer released by Bioware, has revealed more information on what we can see in this game.


During the N7 Day, Bioware revealed a new and impressive trailer of Mass Effect: Andromeda with which we come to know a little more of the history that has prepared for this new installment.

however, since then there has emerged a great deal of additional information on the new mechanics of gameplay, which has been discarded from the original trilogy and other developments, so we have decided to collect in a single entry.

according to GameInformer, Mass Effect: Andromeda to discard the class system seen in the trilogy, Mass Effect, because Bioware is going to implement a tree skill is quite extensive in that players can specialize in different fields of combat. This will give bonuses to certain attributes, which, in turn, be familiar to the classes established in the first games of the saga (such as Adept or Vanguard).

it has Also been given to know that the characters will be able to use melee weapons like swords and hammers, although it has not been clarified if they are physical objects or come from the omni-tool.

as in past installments, Mass Effect: Andromeda will have a cover system dynamic to the combat, however, this will be complimented by the jetpack, which will serve to reach or to get out of these hedges at a higher speed.


One of the biggest novelties of Mass Effect: Andromeda is that you do not have the system of karma 'Paragon/Renegade' of the original trilogy, as Bioware has implemented a system of dialogue wider options to choose not to be summary in good or bad. In fact, the lines of interaction are now classified in Heart (Heart), Head (Head), Professional (Professional) and Casual.

As described by GameInformer, there is a karma meter in the that locate our actions, but these, if will influence the course of history, the personality of our character and their relationships with others.

of course, this includes romantic relationships with other characters (whether or not of the same sex). According to Bioware, Mass Effect: Andromeda has expanded this section since now it is not just relations 100% carnal as all romantic interests will have different aspirations. For example, some may want a dating and others just want an adventure.

like the original trilogy, the ship will be able to speak with the crew to improve our relationship with them. By the time it is not known how many characters will make up the core team, but it has been known that the Asari seen in trailers is PeeBee (although it is a nickname) and that there is a human named Liam. It is speculated that among the members there is a human named Cora and

a Krogan named Drack.

Another piece of leaked information has revealed that the Kett (formerly called Khet) are the villains in Mass Effect: Andromeda. In the trailer most recent was seen briefly to their leader, and although it is not released more data over it, it was announced that this will be presented with a property on another occasion.


One of the most important components of Mass Effect: Andromeda is the exploration, so that players can travel from planet to planet looking for resources, killing the enemy, knowing allies and solving puzzles. In addition, for this will be to service the vehicle, Nomad, which was formerly known as Mako.

The equivalent of 'The Citadel' in Mass Effect: Andromeda has been named as 'Nexus', which will be a social center where you will find different shopping districts, military and others.

In Mass Effect: Andromeda we can also customize the appearance of our protagonist as he has done throughout the series, however, here it is possible to alter the appearance of the father of whom we have selected as the main character.

As has been said, in Mass Effect: Andromeda we will have the option to play with the brother or sister Ryde, so that after the adventure we will be able to access the 'New Game Plus' to play the campaign from the perspective of another character that we have not initially selected.


as for the multiplayer, this was described as a refinement of what has been seen in Mass Effect 3. This means that it will be a cooperative game for four players in which the users have to defeat hordes of enemies to unlock new weapons and bonuses. However, for this occasion there will be a couple of improvements, although they have not yet been specified.

once more, the multiplayer mode is linked with the main campaign, although it will not affect the outcome of Mass Effect: Andromeda.

according to producer Fabrice Condominas, who works at Bioware, Mass Effect: Andromeda will have a target-in multiplayer on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The registrations are now open and the only requirement is to have an active account in AD, however, still has not offered more information, but everything indicates that this test phase will not come to PC.

Source: Eurogamer – DualShockers


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