there is No greater news in these times Big Brother 17 that the torrid night they have past Alain and Meritxell just a few hours to give the name of who will be the next kicked out in GH 17.
The tension was not resolved between these two is more than evident and, after having had some minor games, decided not to be less than Adara and Pol and enjoyed games and antics under the sheets, as has been revealed in the blog of the program hosted on the website of Telecinco, ‘The fishy’.Those who watched the 24 hours since you know so what happened. After a talk between the two during the last feast lived in the house, the French did not hesitate to ask Meri to take him back to a place more quiet to finish saying something in public could not drop. Already away, it was she who took the word and the French which, with the excuse of going to put an ice in his glass, ended up driving away from the scene.
After this give-and-take, Alain wasted no time in asking that Meri told to lie down on your side of the bed, which had a positive response on the part of the involved, and, up there under the sheets, and with some cup to another by effect, the rubbing did the affection and the hands of both were to play to the most intimate of your geography anatomical.
Something that
Very soon after the bustle of them does a pain in your hands, Meritxell showed to be repentant by what just happened till he was ashamed by what you could think off and by having given in to a ‘rolling’ with a person you hardly will come to nothing in forward. Alain seems to prefer to live life and do good things “that I removed it danced”, while about the time of the expulsion. We’ll see if it happens to bill. #GH17 #GranHermano17
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