Thursday, May 7, 2015

Pablo Alboran: Jumping I have given has been very beast –

Quite a success Gale. Triumphs in the lists of successes and triumphs on the road. Pablo Alboran has just landed from Latin America, which has filled in all the precincts in which he has played in Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Peru, and already has his sights set on Spain. In total, more than 50 performances and travel 50,000 kilometers in the coming months to continue presenting its Terral disk.

“It drives me crazy my work,” he says after the presentation of his long tour, which will also will lead by France, Romania, Portugal and the United States, with performances in New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Orlando and Washington. “One sometimes are not aware of how wonderful and how rare it is that in just four years, go to these sites or play in the National Auditorium” he says.

Alboran, 25 He says that all the stops “are important” but stresses that it wants two places in particular: “Málaga is my land and carry flag. They’ll be my friends, my family and all the people who have seen me grow, so it will be very exciting. In Madrid are three concerts in Las Ventas, where ever I acted. ” Another important city in his upcoming tour is Paris. “It is a dream finally fulfilled because my mother is French, I studied at the French Lycee and that was my first language, before learning Spanish”.

On the crest of the wave at present, the singer, who became an unlikely musical phenomenon through word of mouth and social networks after hanging up his first songs on Youtube, remember what were your first references when he dreamed of live music. “Vicente Amigo, Paco de Lucia, Mariza, Dulce Pontes, Caetano Veloso … and a true benchmark was Michael Jackson.”

By Fernando Navarro / El País


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