Monday, May 11, 2015

Historic auction: u $ S179 M for a work by Picasso –




The iconic fabric “Women of Algiers” Picasso sprayed Monday in New York the world record for the most expensive painting sold at auction achieved 179.3 million dollars , nearly 40 million more than the previous highest price in the hands of a triptych by Bacon, in a veiled history at Christie’s.

In what was a real “auction of the century” with records for seven artists “The man pointing” by Alberto Giacometti is turned on its side in the most expensive sculpture sold at a public auction with a price of 141.28 million dollars.

The records were made in the context of the unprecedented auction “Exploring the future through the past” , composed of a select collection of 35 works from the early twentieth century to Today and obtained a total of 705 858 000 million , with one lot that was not sold.

“Women of Algiers (Version 0)” (Les femmes d’Alger), initially estimated at $ 140 million and sold after more than eleven minutes of fierce bidding in an electrifying atmosphere, was painted by Picasso in 1955 and is a scene in a harem .

dethroned triptych “Three Studies of Lucian Freud” by British Francis Bacon , which held the record since November 2013 at a price of 142.4 million.

Inspired by a work of Eugene Delacroix , the “Women of Algiers in their apartment” is the latest in a series of paintings by the Spanish master tribute to the French painter of the nineteenth century, whom he admired, and compatriot Henri Matisse , who died a year earlier in 1954.

The record for a Picasso was web “Nude, Green Leaves and Bust” sold $ 106.4 million in 2010.









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