Thursday, May 7, 2015

Carolina Sanin: “Literature in Spanish live a happy moment” – El Universal (Venezuela)

MADRID Carolina Sanin is very clear, “literature in Spanish live a happy moment,” an opinion which, however, refuses to illustrate with names, although some people includes this Colombian writer in the list of those who made it possible that this is so.

“Is this not long ago. Before, during few years have coincided big names, but not much variety” in the literature in Spanish, says Sanin in an interview with Efe.

“There are interesting authors in Spain, Mexico, Argentina and some in Chile,” he stresses, while returns to circumvent cite specific names.

Carolina Sanin (Bogotá, 1973) has crossed the Atlantic and was made in Spain with his second novel under his arm, “Children,” a disturbing text, edited by Siruela, which has previously been well received by critics and audiences in his native Colombia, where it was published exactly one year ago.

“Children” marks the literary debut in Spain this Colombian who combines writing with teaching as it teaches at the University of Los Andes in Bogota in whose classrooms teaches medieval literature, Renaissance and Baroque, in addition to creative writing and translation.

“I am not he assures that only those writers Writing want to live. I much teach. When I’m in front of students, in dialogue with them, many ideas that feed what I write arise “.

Professor, then, essayist, columnist, an activity that acknowledges has somewhat forgotten lately, novelist and up author of texts of humor and children, Sanin lives forward his literary “debut” in Spain.

“I’m more curious (to know the reaction of the Spanish reader) that expectations,” says he trusts that ” someone tells you “this original story and disturbing is” Children “.

The story of Laura, a mature woman, old commercial broadcaster, who lives with his dog Brus, read” Moby Dick “and is a regular at the mall, at whose door calls a day, a street kid who calls himself Elvis Fider, whom she prefers to call Fidel.

” Laura writes thought Sanín- It could be good living and walking with a child next to tell sometimes where to look. “

” Although he continues to be a book about the relationship between an adult and a young child, is actually an encounter between two lonely children. And are disturbing because, somehow, they are not characters. “

A story, in short, where there is” a lot of staff. The experience that links us all and the most radical, that of being the son of a mother, “says one who remembers the fantasy girl was.

That fantasy” overflowing “now allows you to be a writer. “I do not know-and laughs carcajadas- if you have not taken me to be a paranoid adult. It was a feeling (much fantasy) of living in two worlds and did not know if the world changed suddenly or every moment, from one day to another. “

In the background of this novel” compact without digressions “of just over 150 pages,” over a story or a fable, “he says one who has written, can intuit the violent conflict in Colombia, although the trend of Carolina Sanin is to avoid” a literature of situation ” .

“The violence he explains enters the novel in an almost secondary tangential, almost, fashion. Peeks through cracks, but when it does it in a very aggressive way. “

A violence that believes not disappear even if there is agreement on the peace talks that the Colombian government celebrated for months with the guerrilla. “I hope that the peace process is conducted and completed successfully. You need to be signed with all the guerrilla groups, not only with the FARC. “

However, the author claims that believeth not entailing the definitive end of violence.” It is the end says – of a war, but not violence. There are many people in my country -recalca- living of war “.


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