Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Twitter makes Pitingo in “trendic topic” for his reaction to a … – euronews

EFE, 02/04 2:40 CET

 The flamenco singer Pitingo during a concert. EFE / File The flamenco singer Pitingo during a concert. EFE / File

Madrid, April 1 ( EFE ) .- “Björk is removed for fear that the Pitingo versione” is the satirical headline in El Mundo Today that has caused the singer warns that medium to sue “reckless” and that Twitter has raised its name to “trending topic” on the social network, which has been filled with comments at his reaction.

The World Today digital media announced the withdrawal of the Icelandic artist and included, as it does in many of their “news” about alleged statements of the singer: “No, I knew the girl, but I’m interested that sound like whale sad. I find that the lament of the whale is very mine “.

The” news “also widespread in the BE in your humorous space” La window “, caused the company of singer Management 33, forwarded them dated on day 27, a statement that he regretted” the hype generated in social networks “for the joke.

He accused the publication of “bad reckless praxis” as it is not warned that the interview was “absolutely uncertain and absolutely nonexistent” and warned that “criminal and / or legal actions are” studying “by the legal advisers of the artist civilians whose exercise appropriate and appropriate “.

The World Today published today in Twitter the company statement singer and, from there, #Pitingo has become Trending Topic in Spain and eighth “item” Highly Commended in the world.

“Threats, insults, racism etc …” wrote the late artist now your Twitter account with comments like “the copilot of the airplane listened to Pitingo “or” friends do not know because they have not stolen a mobile “.

euronews published from Reuters as, but not intervene in Articles published.

Copyright 2015 EFE.


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