Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Sudden death of the actor of “Hawaii Five-0″ – The Andes (Argentina)

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  • Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The social networks, as per usual these days, are the ones who alerted the media: the young actor Keo woolford’s, made famous by starring in the detective James Chang in the series “Hawaii Five-0″, he died at 49 years old after suffering a stroke.

however, the news became viral recently today, Wednesday, when her friends began to post the death on Twitter. The death of woolford’s came on Monday, though he was hospitalized since last Friday at the medical center of Hawaii Pali Momi Medical Center in Waimalu. Colleagues and friends said goodbye dismayed from the virtual world.


Died Keo woolford’s, actor of the series “Hawaii Five-0″ –

The actress spoke to Alejandra Macedo, ten years older than she, that, days prior to the wedding, was sad for not having been invited


Netflix: How to download and view content without an Internet connection – CNET in Spanish

Netflix fulfilled the dream of all — or nearly all — of their users: as of Wednesday, you can already download tv shows, movies, documentaries, or even your favorite novels available in the catalog and view them without an Internet connection.

starting today, users can download their movies or favorite tv series including Narcos,, Orange Is the New Black and many more to see them even when not connected to the Internet. This is possible both in the app Netflix for iOS, as for Android. At least for now, cannot be downloaded to a computer, but only to a mobile device.

What to consider

First, you should know that this type of content offline is available for all Netflix users, regardless of what type of membership used. In addition, for now is only available on iOS and Android and not on computers. It is also a feature to all Netflix users, without any type of limiting geographic.

The download of content — tv shows, movies and documentaries supported — is useful for when you’re going to do something that will keep you away from a viable Internet connection, like a flight on a plane without Wifi, during your commute to work or why not? in the queue of the supermarket.

download offline can be done on a mobile data connection, but from CNET in Spanish we recommend that you use your Wifi network or any other network public Wifi (and safe) to download your content.

just like when you’re watching a series or movie on a Wifi network and low quality depending on your connection speed, the download you can choose what quality of video you want to download — remember that the better the quality, the more time is needed to download and takes up more storage space.

Requirements on iOS and Android

To download content in the app of Netflix, you will need iOS 8.0 or higher in the case of iPhone or iPad, while on Android you need Android 4.4.2 or higher.

How to choose to Download only with a Wifi network

Since you anticipate that you can download content over a Wifi network or cellular, but think twice if you want to download with your 4G data, because it is content that occupies several hundreds of megabytes and, in the case of movies, you can exceed the gigabyte.


So you choose to download content on Netflix only with a Wifi connection

Photo of screen Captures Oscar Gutiérrez/CNET

To do the smart thing and activate the downloads only on a Wifi network, go to the Settings app of Netflix (remember, you have updated your app before you do this). Go to the Settings option of the App and activates the button that says Wifi Only, in the section Downloads. Once this is done, go to the menu video Quality, and choose Higher, to have the best possible image.

In that same window, there is a bar at the bottom of the menu, which displays the name of the device, and you paint with grey the space used between apps, photos and videos from other applications, while with blue lights up the space used by content on Netflix. There you will see a section to delete the downloaded content in the app of Netflix.

How to download series and movies on iOS and Android

Download content is very simple.


(left) The first screenshot is the first thing that appears when the app Netflix has already upgraded to download content; the second screenshot are both the menus where you can view the downloaded content, and view content that you can download

Photo of screen Captures Oscar Gutiérrez/CNET

Go to your application, go to the side menu and choose the option Available for you to download, to display only the movies and series that are available for download. Once there, the content appears that you can see without Internet connection; Netflix says that this available content will grow as time goes by, so if by now your favorite content is not available, please be patient.

Now, you can avoid entering this menu and go movie by movie, series by series, to see what can be downloaded — and what doesn’t. In the description of each file there are several options to add the content to the user’s list, share the file to other sides, and a third option for download which is indicated with a small arrow down.


An indicator tells you if a movie or series is available for download; you can also see in one place all the content that you have downloaded and the size it is occupying on your device

Photo of screen Captures Oscar Gutiérrez/CNET

When you click on the arrow, a message is displayed at the bottom of the screen, indicating that it is downloading that file. The download time may vary, depending on the speed of the Wifi connection and the size of the file. You can see the files in the download in the section My downloads in the sidebar.


Netflix allow you to download content to watch it without Internet connection – LA NACION (Argentina)

The comments posted are the sole responsibility of their authors and the consequences arising from them may be subject to legal sanctions. That user to include in his message any comments infringing the regulation will be removed and disabled to return to comment. Send a comment constitutes acceptance of Regulation.


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Presented posthumous work of Roberto Bolaño in the FIL – The Universal

The widow of the chilean writer Roberto Bolaño (1953-2003), Carolina Lopez, presented today in Mexico the spirit of science fiction, posthumous novel which he described as “the story of a teen” and that is another piece of the huge file of the author that much remains to be discovered.

If detectives wild, it is contemplated that “few young people in their life struggling to get ahead”, in this novel, “you see a few teenagers,” said Lopez at a press conference in the framework of the 30 International Book Fair (FIL) in Guadalajara.

The play, written in 1984 in Blanes (Girona) and set in the mexican capital during the seventies, focuses on two young poets, who seek to earn a living with literature, ready to all kinds of sacrifices.

it Comes to light that is wrapped in a controversy by the change of publisher of Anagram to Alfaguara (Group Penguin Random House), being agitated by the exchange of accusations in the press between the widow of Bolaño, the publisher Jorge Herralde and the critic Ignacio Echevarría.


Was married with Bolaño until he passed away at the age of 50 of a liver failure

Without reference to any personal reason, Lopez argued that the change was motivated by the facilities gives the new home “for the work to be much more affordable to the readers.”

“I fell in love with your publishing project and the ability that I glimpse that the work could grow in the number of readers; for my children and for me is essential”, spoke about Alfaguara, which published progressively during this year and 2017, the 21 titles that make up the literary production -well-known – of Bolaño.

A work which has increased after the author’s death in 2003 in Barcelona by liver failure, the hand of, among other volumes, 2666, which became posthumously one of its most representative works.

The number of novels that are still to come to light is a mystery, even to his family.

The unpublished are “quantified and classified,” but “what is not done is an editorial value, so that it is publishable and what is not publishable,” said Lopez.

he Reasoned that so much unpublished material of Bolaño because he “began to publish at the age of 43 and died at 50″.

he had decided to become a writer at 17 and, therefore, since then he did many jobs that, even if they were not edited, sometimes served as a basis for other novels.

Lopez argued that her husband “might not have published the spirit of science fiction“, but he can’t get into that premise, because it “would block”.

Yes it positioned itself by saying that in his work with the unpublished try to be respectful to “not touch or rub the prestige that Roberto may have to literary level”.

“we will Never submit a work that you can do shadow detectives or 2666, things have context,” argued López.

Despite the fact that has gone “public correspondence that puts in question” the date on which he wrote this novel, 1984, in the manuscript “puts the date and the signature, this is for us gives us absolute guarantees”. However, qualified that “as he played” with the title of the novel of George Orwell.

The file Bolaño, consisting of all the documentation that I was going to collect, own or not, adds up to a total of 14 thousand pages. Only in the block of original content are included 84 books.

To this is added dossiers, newspaper clippings, interviews, journals, loose-leaf, nearly a thousand letters and photographs, among other materials.

For the moment, Lopez says that “there is no intention of sale” of the file, but that is not a decision that you want to take it, but leave it to his two sons, once they have taken the time to enjoy it.

“I Want you to have that opportunity and I want you to have time”, with which, as a minimum, estimates that it will take “10, 15 years”, for her 15 years “can take on a little of all of this.”

Pilar Reyes, editorial director of Alfaguara, highlighted that the incorporation of the chilean in his catalog is designed to “share the place with names like Mario Vargas Llosa, Javier Marías, and with a next generation (…) for whom Bolaño was a master.”

The FIL, which is closing on the 4th of December, is a meeting point of 2 thousand publishers from 44 countries and 20 thousand professionals of the book.



Peter Lindbergh: “I Wanted to show the true beauty, away from the false ideals” – Clarí

New York, special envoy

It’s Thursday New York. There is sun and heat. Are the first days of fall and the thermometer reaches 30 degrees. The last floor of the hotel Carlyle, in the Uper East Side, two blocks from the Central Park, is full of journalists. There are going to unveil the photos of the Pirelli calendar 2017, who last night was presented in society in Paris. What do Uma Thurman, one of the actresses, and Peter Lindbergh, the first photographer to sign for the third time the legendary calendar.

There are journalists from around the world sitting in rows of chairs placed in front of a chair corduroy. The organizers are asked to not take photos. On a tv of 55 inches is you will first see a video, the making off of the production. And a while after, the photos that will be part of the Pirelli Calendar 2017, also known as "The Cal", to dry. The application of save cell phones and cameras have to do with the fact that everything must be a secret. Or at least it should be up today, finally unveiled the mystery.

The meeting in New York, the Bugle participated as the only means of argentine, was made several months before the gala in Paris. Served to take him to the press the photos of the calendar and the views of one of the actresses, Uma Thurman, and the photographer.

Peter Lindbergh and the british actress Helen Mirren during the presentation of the Pirelli calendar in Paris. AP

Peter Lindbergh arrives first. Bermuda shorts, slippers, t-shirt of short sleeves and cap. "Uma Thurman is delayed in transit", an alert from the organization. The actress from Kill Bill arrives late and goes on the while, just ten minutes later, and after answering a few questions. "I love working with Peter. With him I can be myself. It’s almost like an interview that you do, but without talking, with your camera," says the actress before to apologize for leaving so quickly to attend to "other commitments".

it is Now Friday. The same room. From the window you see a piece of the Central Park, which still wears the garish green of the summer. It is the time of the interviews, hand-in-hand with Lindbergh. German, 72 years, it is one of the most influential artists of the last decades. Designers and fashion magazines choose from years ago and your particular look. But it is much more than a fashion photographer. Many after him followed his path and your different vision of the fashion photography. His tour began in Germany and came to the consecration in Paris. Then in the 80′s and 90′s, offered the image most remembered of the era of the supermodel. Naomi Campbell, Linda Evangelista, Tatjana Patitz, Christy Turlington and Cindy Crawford posed for him in a remembered cover of Vogue magazine. His work crosses art museums all over the world, and currently heads up an exhibition of 220 photographs in the museum Kunsthal of Rotte rdam.

Pirelli Calendar: the actresses Nicole Kidman, Uma Thurman, Julianne Moore and Robin Wright are part of the Pirelli Calendar 2017. EFE

Pirelli turned to his art for the third time for version 2017 of "The Cal". And Lindbergh, true to his innovative style, sought to differentiate himself, and the two previous experiences, for the calendars for 1996 and 2002.

What was the difference between this and their previous experiences?

these Are different times. The first time was during the era of the supermodels. The second I wanted to do something different. The high heels and the bikinis were sexy, but not for me. I think that the talent is sexy, and the idea was to participate actresses that young people who had something interesting to tell, beyond being sexy. This time I wanted to make a calendar that does not have anything to do with the idea of the beauty standard current, that is not what I have. You must be very sad for a woman to see to all these models as perfect, and when they look in the mirror are unhappy because they realize that they can not be like the models in the pictures. It is a bad influence, a wrong way.

Why choose to work almost without digital retouching?

Because I feel that nothing needs to be changed. I use it for a technical approach, not to make most beautiful women in the photos. The idea is that it does not appear to be digital, and that is to see the soul, the eyes and the spirit of them. For example, Kate Winslet likes your hands, and we did photos with the focus on how to put them, how to gesticulating. His hands were a different person.

what Cost to persuade them to be part of the calendar?

Don had to convince to do anything they do not want to do. Maybe some didn’t think it was convenient to participate, because they believed that the calendar could represent the ideal current beauty. So we told them that our idea was to do the opposite, to show the true beauty that it has to do with the beauty of each and not with false ideals. Thus, we show women that all know as they are in a different way.


Stars without makeup or retouching: the latest edition of the Pirelli calendar 2017 –

Under the heading “Emotional”, caught without makeup or artifice and dressed in black, the 14 actresses who assert female power. “It’s not about making a work about perfect bodies, but on the sensitivity and emotion, stripping the soul of the people, leaving them more naked than naked,” explained the author of the snapshot.


Beauties post 40 and unretouched, in the new Pirelli calendar – Clarí

the calendars of The gomerías are a classic in disappearing, as the overgrowing of skin. The fight against the objectification of the female, as much as the protection of animals at risk of extinction, are two slogans which few dare to question. So much so that one of the kings of the decks for cars, which used the nakedness of women as a marketing strategy, had to change the focus of your calendar and set aside the models hot.

the presentation of The Pirelli calendar Paris (AP)

The break was in last year’s edition, when Yoko Ono and Serena Williams were some of the characters for Pirelli by Annie Leibovitz, under the concept of women known for their success in life. Now, in the edition that was just released here in the French capital, the objective of the German photographer Peter Lindbergh (who was the artistic direction of the argentine Juan Gatti) was to find the beauty in actresses over 40 years old. Clear that he chose well: Nicole Kidman and Uma Thurman were some of the selected ones for this challenge in which the portraitist had to convince the divas to discard the touch-up pilots improve the image.

Look at the photo gallery in HD

Julianne Moore is also part of the new edition of the calendar's most famous

The use of the light and the black and white printing were allies in this enterprise, in which the desnudeces of yesteryear ceased to be physical, to become metaphorical: actresses who allow themselves to be seen as they are, far from the flashbulbs of Hollywood.

Also read: “The Pirelli calendar changed models for inspiring women”

Lindbergh, who is in Paris in response to the press of the world, along with Kidman, Thurman and Helen Mirren (another of the to put the body to any of the 12 months 2017), christened his work “Emotional”, to emphasize the idea of “do not create a calendar on the basis of perfect bodies, but to the sensibility and emotion, stripping the true soul of the models, desnudándolas even more than if they were naked”.

the aim of The calendar was to find the beauty in actresses over 40 years old. Uma Thurman one of them

The selection of actresses included Charlotte Rampling, Julianne Moore, Penelope Cruz, and Kate Winslet, among others. “As an artist, I feel that my responsibility is to liberate women from the idea of eternal youth and perfection. The ideal of perfect beauty promoted by the society is something that is simply impossible to achieve,” said Lindbergh at a meeting for journalists at the Ritz Hotel.

Penelope Cruz in the Pirelli Calendar 2017

Kidman, Thurman, and Mirren spoke about the empowerment of women in current society and real beauty. “Is encouraged to be one and the same,” said Kidman. “It is good to show my children that I am aging and I feel comfortable with that,” added Thurman. The one that dared to joke more with the old concept of Pirelli was Mirren, that launched: “When they called me for the calendar I thought I was going to make up the eyes of black and lips of red, but it was a disappointment”. Then, more seriously, spoke of “a cultural shift, the beginning of a new movement”.

The photographer Peter Lindbergh with the actresses Nicole Kidman, Uma Thurman and Helen Mirren and the CEO of Pirelli, Marco Tronchetti (AP)

Also read: “The Pirelli calendar published their photos censored”

The three called for most young girls to break free of the stereotypes of beauty. “It is a gesture of love from Peter Lindbergh to love women as real people,” said the actress of Pulp Fiction. And Kidman sumo: “My husband prefers me natural, without makeup”. For her part, Mirren called down “the face of red carpet”, while drawing a smile forced and artificial in his face.

there Were about 200 journalists in the presentation, even if only accepted less than a dozen questions. The last one was a journalist in china, who asked Lindbergh almost like a reproach which he seemed to face east more beautiful, because in the calendar are conspicuous by their absence. The photographer was honest. “I have No idea”, he replied.

Kidman and Thurman, with Lindbergh during the presentation at Paris (AFP)

The photos were taken between may and June of this year in five locations: Berlin, Los Angeles, New York, London and on the beach of Le Tourquet, France. One of the curiosities is that the artist Juan Gatti was one of the masterminds of the brand-new calendar. Famous for working on the posters for the films of Pedro Almodóvar, and for having designed several of the covers of albums of argentine rock of the ’70s, was now in charge of telling his German friend, “this yes and this no”, as described by Lindbergh. “It’s the only one that I listen to,” admitted the photographer, and he recalled: “We fight like cats and dogs”.

the launch of The calendar will have this night, her final chapter with a red carpet and gala celebration at the Cité du Cinema in Saint Denis, clasp in advance of the year that is ending and waiting for the next, to start again from January.


GH17: these are the figures of the stunning heritage of Jorge Javier Vázquez – Blasting News

The host #Save Deluxe and Big Brother 17, Jorge Javier Vázquez has surprised us with the news that he would be planteandose to leave the world of television in his contract with Mediaset ends in 2018.

But, does that mean that you can afford? The answer in this case is yes and without any problem in addition, since the host account with a few savings millionaires that would allow him to decicarse to what you would like. All of their projects although they didn’t have to do with the tv. According to data collected by the magazine Vanitatis, Jorge Javier SL, would be an asset 5.356.000 and at the end of the year 2015 its benefits were of 643.254 €, little else.

The magazine also tells us that Jorge Javier count on Satellite City florida with a nice property, then in The Brown with a villa of 465,72 meters and with a mortgage that is about to meet valued at 1’86 million euros. By the looks of it hasn’t even done anything wrong in what work is concerned.

it Also has a floor of 70 square meters in Atocha, but whose mortgage was cancelled quickly and in Barcelona, his hometown, has two other premises of 90 square metres each. In these days much has been heard about the possibility that Jorge Javier left the tv because it says you need to take a break and focus on other personal projects. I do not think these figures will pose any problem. So yes, take the well-deserved leisure time Jorge Javier.

His tiredness television does not leave of being noticed above all in the hearings of the programs that arises that is not left to suffer continuous damage. In particular in GH-17, the presenter fails to give a right, but in the economic not done anything wrong. With a heritage of more than 5 million euros has life settled.

Many thanks to all for reading. If you want to take a look at my other items, visit my profile or my page on Facebook Gossip&enternainment. I will Be happy, good day for all! #GH17 #Telecinco


GH17: Bea is sincere with Adara, and she tells his fears with Feature (video) – Blasting News

Big Brother 17 (GH 17) has the incredible virtue and sometimes defect sorpredernos to all spectators whether for good or for evil, and since then that is so because after the last few events is unlikely, but unlikely seeing as Adara and Bea share confidences in this way, Naranjita has spoken of the fears that you feel with your boy, Rodrigo.

they Began, as we all know being enemy, but there came a moment in which they managed to settle their differences, specifically in the dñias in which they were alone in the Anti-Club, there shared new secrets, but very little has served as Bea chose sides, and their position was against Adara. But if you do not belong both to the same side that is inside the house, because that Adara does not like to bide them, but is faced with all, yesterday suffered an attack of anxiety, the friendship between these two remains in some way.

that’s why Adara, seeing that Bea is not going through its best moment, has not hesitated in listening and in talking things over with her, listening to everything that happened to him about your fears, feelings and the hostess did not hesitate a moment to make and support it. Here the time video:

For this reason, Bea has not hesitated to let off some steam with a Adara who listened carefully to their confessions, their fears, their feelings; a Adara that he would not hesitate to advise and support Bea at all what I was counting. And the fear that has Bea is more than clear and that is that once the contest ends and will go away from everything that fears that the Region will realize that it is not the person you want to be and end the relationship that until now seems like a fairy tale.

And is that Bea has always had many fears with Region, as it has always felt very far away from him since the stated things like that would never have imagined at the woman’s side as Bea and feared that when they open again in the real world, all these feelings that ahrora seems to have the spaniard evaporate.

Adara has tried to encourage her by saying that if the guy has not been able to resist having something with her in Big Brother is because what you feel is sincere and that does not have to be finished in accordance with the edition. Many insecurities the Bea, we’ll see as just this.

Many thanks to all for reading, if you want to take a look at my other items, stopping by my profile or my page of facebook Gossip&enternainment I will be happy, good day for all! #GH17 #Ghdirecto


The brief return of the girls Gilmore –

After nearly ten years of absence from the screen, Netflix appeals once more to the nostalgia of their subscribers and released "Gilmore Girls – A new year", which picks up the story of "mother-daughter-best-friends-that-are-what-count-all" and that he knew how to harvest an audience of fans during 154 episodes were broadcast during 2000 and 2007 by Warner Channel.

The new appearance of the girls Gilmore, Lorelai’s mother (Lauren Graham) and Rory’s daughter (Alexis Bledel), is presented in a format of a miniseries of four episodes of 90 minutes, each one baptized with the name of one of the four seasons of the year.

agree with the strategy of emission that characterizes the video platform for streaming leader in the world, all the chapters are already available simultaneously.

The series created, produced, written and directed by the responsible of the original series, Amy Sheridan-Palladino proposes to know what was of the life of Lorelai and Rory, then at the end of the series in 2007, the youngster finished his studies of journalism at the University of Yale and received the offer of the media to cover the campaign of the then democratic candidate for president, Barack Obama.

from what Netflix lets see in the trailer, Lorelai and Rory meet again at a special moment of their lives, in that both seem disoriented and without having very clear what path to take in the loving and professional.

Dialogues at a speed impossible, secondary characters picturesque and handsome suitors clung to a "dramedy" (a genre that combines features of drama and comedy) anchored in the fictional Stars Hollow, in Connecticut.

The little town of less than 10,000 inhabitants was and is again a character of the series, with its characters walking down streets idyllic of low houses, business catered for by its owners and groves always green in summer and always snowy in winter.

who was speculated, if he would participate in the project, and finally it is in one of the chapters is the actress and comedian Melissa McCarthy, who embodied to Sookie St. James, great friend and cook of the hotel that was run by Lorelai, and that after the end of the series it became one of the figures most quoted in Hollywood, starring in the series "Mike & Molly" and in film comedies like "Ladies at war" (2011), "Thief of identities" (2013), "What happened yesterday? Part III" (2013) and the reversal of "Ghostbusters" (2016).

Bets nostalgic of Netflix

"Gilmore Girls – A new year". Is one more on the list of series produced by Netflix that they appeal to a certain nostalgia of its viewers (2016).

"Arrested Development". After it was cancelled in 2005 by under rating the cult series returned with a fourth season in 2013

"Fuller House". Follow the story of the younger generations of the family comedy "Full House" (1987-1995), that protagonizaban John Stamos and Bob Saget. It premiered this year.

"Stranger Things". While the original broke as one of the successes of the year with the formula of homage to a multitude of films and other manifestations of the popular culture of the 80s, especially those which bore the signature of Steven Spielberg and Stephen King.

Buenos Aires


Monday, November 28, 2016

Winner of the Xbox One Final Fantasy XV – LEVELUP

Before announcing the winner of the Xbox One custom Final Fantasy XV, we would like to thank the passion of the community that is a fan of the flagship franchise of Square Enix. Right away you’ll find the answers to the questions and the winner of the event. Remember that was chosen by being the first (according to our inbox؅ because many arrived at 8:01 AM) send your email with the correct answers.


  • how much time it was made the subject of a prelude to Final Fantasy? is A: 5 minutes.
  • What is the supposed connection between Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy X? is A: Shinra and Rin. The worlds share the same universe.
  • what kind of occasions you hear the laughter of Kefka in Final Fantasy VII? is A: In the Ghost Square in the Gold Saucer.
  • In what is inspired to the Active Battle System? is A: In the Formula 1. Each character completes a turn in the battle at your own speed, just as they do in a race.
  • who make reference to the graves in the Final Fantasy I? is A: Link from The Legend of Zelda and Erdrik of Dragon Quest.
  • What are the memorable weapon was going to be in Final Fantasy X? is A: Buster Sword.
  • why Final Fantasy was so named? is A: Was the last chance to Hironobu Sakaguchi and Square Enix. Fail, the company would shut down and Sakaguchi would return to the university.
  • In Final Fantasy VI (SNES) there is a hidden enemy. Say its name and the line of dialogue that came with it. is A: Czar Dragon – Mwa, ha, ha… Humans and their desires! I’m free at last! I bring you destruction… I bring you terror… I am Czar… Prepare yourselves! (Or in Spanish).
  • What is the other name I was going to have the franchise and why you decided to change? is A:, Fighting Fantasy, but a board game already had the name.
  • How glitchea Final Fantasy IV? is A: Among many, the most popular was the error caused if the player enters and leaves by a door 64 times. The official bulletin of the Square, Ogopogo Examiner, wrote that the glitch was a trap created by Zeromus, the final boss of the game.
  • In what game not published by Square Enix refers to Kefka? is A: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.
  • how Much time has passed to know the inscription on the helmet of Jenova? is A: 8 years.
  • In what place of the real world is going to bring out the story of Final Fantasy VII? is A: In New York.
  • What is the relationship between Star Wars and Final Fantasy? is A: The references to the characters Wedge Antilles and Biggs Darklighter, in addition to a number of dialogues from the movies.
  • what kind of Olympic Games were used musical themes of Final Fantasy VIII? is A: Athens 2004, with the team of synchronized swimming of the united States.

In this way, the winner of the Xbox One custom Final Fantasy XV is:

Iván Hernández, known in the community of LEVEL UP as Dellerange.

congratulations! In brief we will contact you to arrange the delivery of the console.


Martyrdom, National Prize of modern Music in Spain – El Universal (Venezuela)

The singer Martyrdom, a revolutionary song Spanish, was honored today with the National Prize of modern Music, as reported by the Ministry of Culture of Spain.

The jury emphasized “his personal approach to popular music, from its roots in andalusia” and its ability to show “the value of the “copla” to the new generations” and to “foster a deep approach to the music Latin american”.

he asserted, moreover, “courage”, “the freedom with which he has worked,” and its “transgressive attitude from his image to his music.”

María Isabel Quiñones, artistically known as Martyrdom, took part in the 70′s part of Jarcha, one of spain’s most emblematic of the Transition. He later joined Venom, composed by Kiko Veneno and brothers Rafael and Raimundo Amador

In 1986 kicked off his solo career with an image that has remained ever since, always with dark glasses and comb. In addition to renewing the copla española, he has immersed himself in the flamenco, jazz, bossa nova, tango, bolero and rock.

In 2010 it came to the cuban music of the hand of the composer and pianist, cuban José María Vitier, together with the one that recorded the album “The air around you”, which collects poems musicados of Spanish and Latin american writers. Three years later he published together with his son Raul Rodriguez an album in homage to Chavela Vargas.

In the course of his career, Martyrdom (Huelva, 1954) has received numerous national and international awards. In 2002, he was nominated to the Grammy for his album “a Lot of heart,” and in Spain it has garnered two Music Awards.

The National Prize of modern Music is endowed with 30,000 euros (31.750 usd) and is awarded annually by the Ministry of Culture of Spain.


Outrageous video: a TV channel teaches us how to apply makeup to the victims of gender-based violence – Clarí

Has the eyes surrounded by bruises. His face is a sign of violence and machismo. But occupies a passive role, as “model”, in a tutorial of makeup that teaches women to disguise the bumps. Issued by the public television of Morocco, and generated international condemnation.

See also: Malena Ginzburg told that was also a victim of the former Carolina Aguirre

The scene was broadcast on the program Sabahiyat of the channel 2M. It was last Wednesday, two days before the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. “We hope that these beauty tips help in your day-to-day,” says Lilia Moulin, a renowned conductor of the local television. “After applying makeup, continue with your life and go to work without worry,” adds the spokeswoman.

Lilia Moulin da "beauty tips" to battered women.

The theme was disseminated by international media and on social networks, there were complaints in different languages. Inside borders, also generated controversy. A moroccan woman opened a request to ask for “severe sanctions” to the program and the channel. “Do not cover domestic violence with makeup”, is the title. “On behalf of the moroccans, we denounce the message that normalizes violence against women”, added the publication, which has already gathered more than 2,000 signatures.

See also: male violence, another cancer fight

The face of the "model" is a sign of violence and machismo.

in view of the controversy generated, the channel withdrew the images from its web site. Also published in his account on Facebook a statement where he notes that there was “an error in the appreciation editorial” and that “this treatment completely contradicts the editorial line of the chain”. He adds, “present their sincere apologies” and that “undertakes to take the necessary action against the people responsible for this error and strengthen the tools of control and guidance”.

See also: why does it cost so much leave to the husbands abusers?


Wes Anderson creates a beautiful short film christmas for H&M – Conectica

As every year, the signature clothing H&M has submitted a short film with which you seek to commend to the world the christmas time, in addition to promote your brand.

On this occasion we have commissioned the work of Wes Anderson, giving as a result 'come Together':

H&M returns to be overcome with this commercial directed by Wes Anderson

As we see, the commercial is starring Adrien Brody, operator of a beautiful train that you have difficulty arriving on time to the christmas celebrations. Anderson returns to introduce us in a world that is symmetrical, full of colors and precious objects that arouse in us of many memories.

a Few directors have a stamp so personal, and I believe that H&M have managed to be overcome on this occasion, giving us one of the commercial most beautiful of this Christmas.wes anderson


GH17: ¡¡the First former contestant on posing nude in the magazine Interviú!! – Blasting News

Who will be the first contestant of Big Brother 17 star, naked, a cover of the famous magazine Interview? That was the question we asked at the beginning of the reality and that is that, as is tradition by participating in the contest, there are many former contestants of GH that can be seen as a God brought to the world after his departure from the house of Guadalix de la Sierra. Well, we are out of doubts. Today, in the new issue of the weekly magazine Interviú, has appeared the first former contestant of GH17. Do you want to know who it is and how it has been posed? I read on!

Many names sounded between the pools. Clara, Candles, Simona or even Noelia. Who would be on the cover of magazine Interviú by pirmera time? Oh any of them! The charge of starring in the cover story of this week is Cardigan, the contestant reserve that managed to desquiciar to Meritxell, with permission of Simona. Despite the fact that during his stay in the house, not starred in many frames. Rebekah has managed to get the rest of the former contestants and part of the audience out of the contest. Now, with this spectacular cover of the magazine Interviú, the contestant wants to appear as the followers of the reality show, offering an interview without hairs in the language after his departure from the contest. “We have lost the essence of GH”, confessed the contestant in the headline of your interview. In addition, take advantage of the space that gives you the magazine to explain how he felt upon his exit from the contest, as they had neither an in terview nor a debate, as have all the contestants expelled. the “I have Not been well treated or by my peers, nor by the program. I had No interview or questions in The Debate.” “I can get the silly, but silly I’m not even a hair”, sentence.

however, Rebekah has been, for the moment, the only former contestant of the edition starring the cover of magazines with more prestige of the country. An honor that only a few privileged. Are we going to see any of his companions in the same way? #Tv #Telecinco #Big Brother
