Saturday, May 9, 2015

Kiko Hernandez confirmed to be father – Blasting News

On Friday May 9, a regular contributor to Save me, Kiko Hernandez underwent testing “PoliDeluxe” which is to perform the polygraph test, hence the name “PoliDeluxe”, a famous each week while collaborators discuss and think about your answer.

Kiko Hernandez she was released on Big Brother 3 in 2002 and is a regular contributor to Salvame Journal and Salvame Deluxe since its inception in 2009. It is characterized as one of the collaborators of the toughest program with guests.

The employee submitted to polygraph by Conchita Perez during the last program. He is already used to these sessions, although it is usually the other side, where the other contributors ask questions to the guest.

One of the first confessions that he made was that would like to return to his anonymous life , which made unless you do not recognize the people and have a normal life. But also recognizes that he loves his job and feels in the program like family.

He also commented that had erotic dreams Some of these, specifically Maria Patino , which was surprised by these statements. Kiko confessed that she had been attracted to her at times and hence the reason of erotic dreams.

But undoubtedly the bombing that most surprised the audience and collaborators was when he announced that going to be a father in a few months . After he elaborate saying it’s going to have it only through adoption or surrogate pregnancy. He confessed that he would like before meeting the 40 (now 38), would like to take your churrumbel . Automatically with the news employees supported the decision of his companion, showing the public that they are like a family.

Another thing that struck during the gala on Friday, was hairstyle Jorge Javier , which on this occasion he did not favor much. This revolutionized networks soon to joke about the fact . After the finished drawing attention, if what he wanted he has.


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