The Oscar winner will star in the next film with Nacho Vigalondo a giant lizard.
One by one, Anne Hathaway is leaving its mark in every genre.
If you had not noticed, few people have such a varied career as an Oscar winner with the big smile. From comedies ( The Devil Wears Prada ), a romantic ( One Day ), superheroes ( The Dark Knight rises ), musical ( Les Miserables ) and the sci-fi epic Interstellar Anne Hathaway is in everything. (This would be the appropriate time to also remember The Princess Diaries , by the way).
Now you have scheduled their next big step: the cinema of monsters. According to the Hollywood Reporter, Hathaway will star in the next film of the Spanish Nacho Vigalondo ( c ronocrímenes ), called Colossal .
The project (which currently seeking international buyers in the market at Cannes), will follow the story of Gloria (Hathaway) a woman who loses her job in New York and moved to the town where he grew up. However, when you start to see reports of a huge lizard is terrorizing Tokyo, she realizes that is connected to these events … through your mind.
“So far, Colossal is my most ambitious project, “said Vigalondo. “Having Anne in the distribution and other equipment far exceeds my expectations.”
For us, anything with the name of Vigalondo’s something worthy of excitement but añádanle Anne Hathaway and … just tell us where we form.
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