Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Alejandro Sanz: “I will pay attention to criticism” – LaRepública.pe

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Within hours of the release of his album syrup, the Spanish talks on the situation in Latin America, critics and Peru.

Cecilia Castillo Sifuentes

Alejandro Sanz released tomorrow syrup, according to experts, one of the releases most anticipated of the year. This material sounds ‘A zombie outdoors’ theme just play at the Billboard awards.

‘A zombie weather’ has been well received. How do you live the preparations for each release?

I’m always nervous the day before. But I trust in the work of all a great team behind each shot and, well, now I’m happy that has sounded in several countries.

Do you feel the pressure of people expect a lot from you?

I do not know … I give people songs that make you remember the pleasant things of life and of course, those that are not also because ultimately the songs do remove consciences.

someone who is not in love You can write about love?

Of course. Emotions are always close to the surface and the lyrics of a song is not only the content but how you say it, phonetics, aesthetics of words and, of course, you also have to have a technique.

You can sell an album at a time when the technology gives us songs with just one click?

The technology is to stay, no way to look back, and has long since we no choice but to move forward with it, but do not dedicate myself to think about it, but to make songs.

Do you care about the criticism?

Do you pay attention, I do things because I feel I should make. I think not commit to Doctors Without Borders (in 2012 recorded an album designed to work with MSF) is something to criticize. I only pose the stories and that serves the cause.

So you do not live aware of them?

Not really, I apologize if anyone feels alluded. I like to learn from other people’s opinions, but often the criticism is disproportionate. Today everyone has a megaphone noise but no less noise and that produces nothing and I prefer to write a song. The reviews are as a marble statue, they will stay there.

You who are committed to social causes some, do you think the wave of street crime?

Terrible. Just a few days ago I was watching a report on what is happening in Peru and I’m sad. They are great challenges to be faced. I remember the first time I went and had the Shining Path, was a terrible thing but they could eradicate it; and now it’s making another effort to combat crime in which crime and violence meet. The authorities need to provide equal opportunities and education. I have many memories of Peru and in my last visits I have seen it grow and people are very affectionate, give me hot. Here in Miami some Peruvian friends prepare me a delicious ‘tiradito’ (laughs). Now they are 25 years visiting your country and clear that it has become part of my memories.

Your album also released in Peru. ¿You will visit us?

Yes, hope receive it with the same affection and certainly will have a date to go. I like how I receive the Peru.

And what would you say to Venezuelans in recent times do not do well?

Well, I would say that I send best wishes in the world and no one will shut. There is imprisoning opposition and is punishing women who must do five hours of queuing to buy food. What kind of government allows that? Is that revolution? For me, Maduro is worse than Chavez.


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