Thursday, May 14, 2015

A new production of Pablo Larraín include Natalie Portman … – Daily and Radio Uchile

On Thursday the international environment Variety revealed that the Chilean filmmaker Pablo Larraín, will work with the outstanding actress Natalie Portman in a biopic about Jackie Kennedy.

According to the publication of Variety, the actress decided to work with Larraín then be “delighted” with the work of the filmmaker in the movie The Club.

According to Variety, the film seeks to portray the Jackie lived four days after the assassination of John F. Kennedy . This is definitely a biographical work where Portman will play the president’s wife killed.

In addition, the film will feature the production of Darren Aronofsy, director of “The Black Swan” and “Noah” and according to information submitted, filming will begin in late 2015.

Currently, Pablo Larraín maintains a series of pending projects Among them, a remake of “Scarface” in addition to carrying out a production that seeks to portray the persecution suffered by the poet Pablo Neruda during the government of González Videla, film certainly will star Luis Gnecco, Gael García Bernal and Alfredo Castro.

Finally, it is expected that these days The Club debuts film, based on the relationship of a group of priests in the sixth region of Chile.


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