Friday, April 10, 2015

Tom Jones, Serrat, Roger Hodgson and the Béjart Ballet in Peralada – El Universal (Venezuela)

Barcelona (Spain) .- The legendary dance company Béjart Ballet Lausanne open next July 10th the 29th edition of the Festival Castell de Peralada (northeastern Spain), in which This year will also participate, among others, Joan Manuel Serrat, La Fura dels Baus, Tom Jones, Roger Hodgson or “Earth, Wind & amp; Fire”.

The event director, Oriol Aguilá, stressed today that there is a “clear bet “for dance and lyric” at the highest level “with great importance of the” myths “of Otello and Carmen, which will be reviewed in various applications.

Also, this Catalan festival will be some of the leading voices of the current lyrical, as Juan Diego Flórez, Gregory Kunde, Diana Damrau and German tenor Klaus Florian Vogt, the “Lohengrin” in Bayreuth, which will debut at the event with an intimate concert in a church.

Between July 10 and August 15 other artists performing in Peralada be the dancer María Pagés; ballerina Sylvie Guillem, in his last world tour; Luz Casal; Josep Lluís Maria Flotats with Claret and decommission The Excitments, The Sey Sisters & amp; The Limboos.

Aguilá said the night of July 10 becomes an “unmissable” with the Béjart Ballet Lausanne, who returns to Spain with Gil Roman artistic director and defending the legacy of Béjart.

Provide two performances, on 10 and 11, with pieces such as “Suite Barocco”, “Kyodai”, “3 Danses pour Tony” (a tribute to the late Tony Fabre), “7 Grègues danses” or “Bolero”.

The program, as noted Aguilá also includes the show “El Amor Brujo, fire and the word” an assembly of La Fura dels Baus from classic Falla.

The Welshman Tom Jones, “a unique performance that set the pace summer Peralada” will review their best known hits, from Delilah to Sex Bomb, and Joan Manuel Serrat, with “disorderly Anthology” will celebrate the 50th anniversary of his first public performance.

The German Klaus Florian Vogt offer a lyrical recital accompanied on piano by Jobst Schneiderat, and the opera “Otello” by Verdi, on a proposal from Paco Azorin , will feature a cast of Gregory Kunde, Carlos Alvarez (Iago), Francisco Vas (Casio), Vicenç Esteve Madrid, Miguel Angel Zapater, Damián del Castillo, Eva-Maria Westbroek and Mireia Pintó.

tenor Juan Diego Florez Peralada again with his latest hit “l’Amour” and Luz Casal debut at the festival with “Soulmates”, his latest work

The “Earth, Wind & Dev. Fire feat experience. Al Mckay “with classics like” September “and who was the soul and voice of Supertramp, Roger Hodgson, they are some of the highlights of the program.


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