Friday, April 10, 2015

GLOBAL: The blows in the fall do not justify the death of one … – EntornoInteligente

The Information .com / The hit in the leg and head suffered by the caver José Antonio Martínez in the accident in the Atlas Mountains in Morocco do not justify its death, as is clear from the preliminary results of the autopsy that has been practiced Friday in Granada.

As pointed out sources familiar environment Martínez, impacts received are not severe enough to cause death. Now is the time to be investigated whether the death of Martinez could be caused by hypothermia or submersion. However, it was not until within about two months when the final and complementary autopsy results are obtained, which was carried out at the Institute of Legal Medicine of Granada and that lasted about five hours.

This is the second autopsy that was practiced to the national police, 41, after he was held last Wednesday at the city morgue of Marrakech following the requirement of the Moroccan government in order to meet its legislation.

Information The Information .com


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