Friday, 13 March 2015 | 4:30 a.m.
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Arturo Pérez-Reverte. Spanish writer spoke was his new novel, Good Men, set in the eighteenth century-a time of the Enlightenment and in the XXI.
Madrid. EFE
The writer Arturo Pérez-Reverte sings a song to books and friendship in her new novel, Good men, intrigue set in the eighteenth century which makes it clear that “there are only two ways to change the world. with reason and culture or revolution and the guillotine “
Based on a true story, good men masterfully blends intrigue and the usual adventures in books of this author with brainstorming and eighteenth own reflections, the century in which the enlightened tried to “sweep fanaticism and realized that education of the people was the best way to live in peace.”
And it is a novel full of keys that allow fully understand this, and containing “a moral and social reflection on the Spain of the eighteenth century and now, what could be and we were not, and why we are as we are” said the writer in an interview with Efe.
In his new book immerses the reader in Paris in the years before the French Revolution, and unfolds before him the cultural, political and illustrated world time.
The novel occurred to Pérez-Reverte to view in the Library of the Royal Spanish Academy the 28 volumes of the first edition of the French Encyclopedia, the RAE bought in Paris in the last third XVIII, although it was banned in Spain.
To acquire it, they sent two “good men” to France, as recorded in the minutes of the RAE, an institution that Perez-Reverte pays tribute in his novel.
De bring Spain l’Encyclopédie of Diderot and D’Alembert are responsible, in fiction, the librarian Don Hermogenes Molina, an enlightened man who “believed to reconcile faith and reason” and Admiral Don Pedro Zárate, “scientific, cold, rational” and a character that Pérez-Reverte lent part of their way of seeing the world.
These “good men” have to overcome many difficulties on their journey and during his stay in Paris, where they will guide the Spanish Abbe Bringas “an exalted being, revolutionary, ultramontano”.
From Spain, trying to boycott buying Encyclopedia two academic ” bad “ideologically opposed to each other.
” One represents the stale and fanatical extreme right and the other left demagogic and arrogant, “said the writer, who wished to these characters” reflect these two extreme Spain who do not want the enemy defeated, but exterminated, shot, exiled, erased his memory. “
Good men is developed in the eighteenth century and into the twenty-first, and the narrator is a current academic SAR and although Pérez -Reverte insists that he is not, it is certain that resembles him.
Perez-Reverte is convinced that “ignorance and fanaticism lead to barbarism”. To verify this, just look at present the modus operandi of the jihadist Islamic State.
This novelist, who has “too many stumbling through life” and to be “a good man” values above all friendship, and has friends “in many countries and different environments, from the lowest to the most respectable”.
“With age, you realize that friendship really is the greatest gift that a human being can enjoy, “he says.
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