- March 31, 2015
In recent decades have not been many who have dared to bring to light the details of the structure and functioning of the Church of Scientology.
It is well known that the perpetrators of this religion, founded in California in the 50s by the writer of science fiction books L. Ron Hubbard and that in countries like France is considered a sectarian make every effort to silence their critics, resorting to the courts and launching smear campaigns.
But with the advent of the internet and social networks, the task of protecting the image of the Church has become increasingly difficult, as evidenced the impact it is having on the network a documentary released Sunday by the American television channel HBO, where harsh accusations are made against those responsible for Scientology.
Read: The controversial documentary that the Church of Scientology does not want to see
It’s “Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief,” based on the book of the same title Pulitzer Prize Lawrence Wright (published in Spanish as “Scientology: Hollywood and imprisonment of faith”).
Directed by Alex Gibney, who won an Oscar in 2008, appearing in the documentary interviewed senior former members of the Church, they say, among other things, of the alleged manipulation that is subjected to the followers of the organization, including some well-known as actors Tom Cruise and John Travolta.
We also bring to light details on the financing of the Church and alleged abuses physical and psychological suffering members of this religion.
A few weeks ago, spokeswoman Karin Pouw Scientology said in a statement sent to the BBC that “the accusations made in the documentary are totally false and were performed without asking version of the Church “.
” The church is committed to freedom of expression. Nevertheless, freedom of expression does not give carte blanche to issue or publish false information ” noted in the document.
BBC presents some details about Scientology that reveal those interviewed in the documentary “Going Clear”.
1- Scientology members “are subjected to physical and psychological abuse”
Among the statements made in “Going Clear”, which could cause more harm to the image of Scientology are those related to the alleged physical and psychological abuse to which its members are subjected.
In the documentary talking about the policy of “disengagement”, which obliges church followers to cut all contact with their family and friends who leave the faith.
In addition, details of what is known as The Hole (the hole), a facility that allegedly being held captive wayward Sea Org members are given -name branch that leads the church which has a fleet of ships-those who supposedly are abused physically and psychologically.
As explained in the documentary, many members of the Sea Org work in exchange for a paltry salary and thence controls also called Force Rehabilitation Project, which has internment camps to which members of Scientology who do not meet the expectations of the organization and those who are forced to work without ships rest.
A former member of the church tells how allegedly forced her to perform “forced labor” while pregnant and how snatched her baby and then leave sick “for cots soaked with urine and feces and cover flies “.
In addition, we are told in the documentary, members of Sea Org which has a children’s section in which children begin to work very tempranas- ages are encouraged to not have children and during pregnancy, are encouraged to abort.
2- Scientology “pressured the authorities to be declared a religion and not pay taxes”
Alex Gibney’s documentary ensures that L. Ron Hubbard, whom he accused of lying about his record in the US Army and mistreating his second wife decided to create Scientology to make money.
For decades, the organization which in “Going Clear” is said to have about 50,000 members-not pay taxes, up owing to hundreds authorities of millions of dollars.
In the early 90s, the current leader of the organization, David Miscavige, pressured the Internal Revenue Service (IRS, for its acronym in English) to to grant Scientology the status of religion and thus did not have to pay taxes.
In the film ensures that the Church filed more than 2,000 lawsuits against IRS officials and investigated the personal lives of many with private detectives.
Finally in 1993, the IRS granted them the status of religion, which, she says “Going Clear”, would have allowed the Scientology amass a huge heritage that surpass US $ 1,500 million.
3- The details of religion “are known only after paying thousands of dollars”
Unlike what happens in most religions in the case of Scientology members only know the details of this cult slowly and paying large sums of money, says the documentary.
They have to pay for years to go up in rank within the Church and only when they reach a certain level, known in English as “Operating Thetan III “, have access to documents written by Ron himself. L. Hubbard.
In them the story of Xenu, a galactic dictator 75 million years ago brought millions of people to Earth explains in spaceships depositing in volcanoes and annihilating them with hydrogen bombs.
The Scientology avoids speaking publicly about Xenu. In “Going Clear”, the film director Paul Haggis, who left the organization a few years ago, explains how he could not believe that this story is part of the tradition of the Church.
4- The Church of Scientology “caused the breakdown of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman”
A former senior official of the Church told in the documentary how supposedly the organization does not look kindly on the relationship of Tom Cruise, his cock highest profile and Nicole Kidman, who were married between 1990 and 2001.
Allegedly, felt that Kidman was a “potential trouble source” by being raised in Catholicism and having a psychologist father (one of the enemies of Cinciología is psychiatry).
So, allegedly intercepted phone actress at the request of Cruise and was investigated by private detectives.
Also, have tried to put the two adopted children of the couple against his mother to Cruise could get custody in divorce.
In “Going Clear” also ensures that after divorce of the couple, the Church undertook to find a new girlfriend for Tom Cruise, actress Nazanin Boniadi.
5- John Travolta “does not leave the church for fear to disclose details of his personal life “
Members of Scientology undergo regular calls audits, a kind of confessions that are recorded in explaining details of his personal life and would have the objective to find the origin of the traumas that affect a person.
In “Going Clear” ensures that the information obtained in audits is then used to “blackmail” disgruntled members to the organization.
That would be the case of actor John Travolta who, according to the documentary by Alex Gibney, does not leave the church for fear that details of his personal life out into the open.
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